Behind The Woods : Twelve

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[Warning : Violence Ahead]

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The car speedily drove itself on the empty road, driving it's way to the hanasuka forest. The young lady's eyes were fixed on the front, hands tightly gripping onto the steering wheel, as she kept increasing the speed of her car. She wanted to reach there as soon as possible, because she had no idea what her husband was going through right now. She was panicking, but she managed to inform her workers. Incase, maybe they will be able catch the murderer today.

HueningKai was sitting at the front seat right beside his mother, while his eyes stared out of the window. No buildings or any shop were seen nearby, Yumi was driving with a high speed that they have already crossed the city hours ago. Suddenly, HueningKai noticed a big lake and bunch of tall trees near from the highway road which signalled that they are almost to reach the forest.

It's not so far now.

The young lady increased the speed once again, while HueningKai gulped in fear. Soon, there came two roads on both the side, the right side road led to Daegu and the left side road led to the hanasuka forest. Yumi knew which one to take, and they were immediately greeted by the tall trees and the lonely road.

Did they realised that it's middle of the night and anything can happen?

The car drove further ahead as the trees on both the side of the road kept growing denser, taller, and darker. Suddenly, Yumi hit the break as the car stopped midway on the road while HueningKai gave a look to his mother.

The young lady went through her purse and took a silver pendent. "HueningKai, I want you to wear this".

"What's that for, mom?".

"It's for your protection in case if something happens". Yumi answered and handed the pendant to her son. She knew that it's not safe to take HueningKai with her, but it wasn't safe to keep him home alone either. She could have kept HueningKai to a safer place, like a church but after father Namjoon's incident she can't take any risk.

The pendant was made of silver with Jesus Christ's statue on it. It wasn't like the pendent holds any power to save anyone, but it's better to keep it with yourself for safety.

The young lady started off the car and drove ahead. The more she drove further, the foggier the road was getting. She decreased the speed and went directly at a low pace, her ears could hear the 'hoots' of the owls which were resting up on the tree branch.

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