Behind The Woods : Seven

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Heavy metal shoes clicked against the floor, as the man made his way straight towards the upstairs. The black cape snaked around his neck effortlessly swam in the mid air due to the steady wind.


The wooden door unlocked by itself as the man entered the room. As soon as he walked in, a weird kind of rotten smell met his nose, it was like as if someone has kept a dead body inside the room for centuries.

The room was covered in spider webs, all the windows were closed tightly and dusts were everywhere.

The man closed his eyes as a scenery flashed in front of his eyes. A guy was standing on the edge of the window with a familiar doll in his arms, a girl was facing a dark shadow in front of her and soon the guy jumped from the window as the shadow turned into ashes.

He immediately opened his eyes, and stared at the speck of dusts on the floor. Those are the ones. He bend over his knees and as soon as he touched those dusts with his fingers it formed into fire, the fire was colored red. It's time for a re-birth.

"Oh, Signore degli inferi, riporta in vita il diavolo che una volta era una polvere e aiutami a far scendere il mondo".

He muttered few foreign words to himself as the whole room fell into a deep silence. The hoot noise of the owl on the tree branch was the only sound that rang inside the whole room.


A heavy wind came by which made the window to open itself. All the dusts on the every corner of the room collected itself as the wind swallowed them inside. The man watched this with a pleasant smirk by the cornor of his lips, he knew that it wasn't any normal wind the human live for, it was a dark spell covered in the air.

The wind got heavier and suddenly, a sharp thunder roared loudly. The man closed his eyes due to the sudden lightning, and as soon as he opened his eyes someone familiar to him, someone whom he cherished the most, stood in front of him.

The unholy nun, Valak.

Valak scanned herself, she was standing again on her feets. Her outfit was covered in dusts but she cared less, she touched herself, and smiled. She was finally alive, once again for eternity.

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