Chapter 4-This dream is who I wanna be

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Annabelle's POV~

I got a nice spot right in front of the stage, I was being shoved, but I was keeping my spot. I had never seen them play live before, and I didn't want to miss a thing. Most concerts I went to, I was standing somewhere where I couldn't see certain band members. For example the drummer, or guitarist. Not tonight though, tonight I wanted to see everyone and everything. I checked my watch, I left the meet and greet about fifteen minutes ago, so it would probably be going on for another good fifteen minutes. Then the general admission ticket holders would be allowed in, then William Control would take the stage a little while after. So I probably had a good forty minutes still. I felt my phone vibrate against the notebook in my bag and crinkled my eyebrows. No one ever talked to me. It was a text from a contact that read Ash P. "Ash P....? When in the world did he...." I trailed off opening the text.

Worth losing your spot to come back for a minute?-A

Is what it read. I shook my head with an exasperated sigh.

When did you have my phone?...-B

I wrote back, waiting for a reply that never came, I shook my head with a chuckle this time. "Sneaky move Purdy, sneaky move." I mumbled putting it back in my bag. The meet and greet should have been over for a few minutes now. Right on cue people began to flood in. I didn't lose my spot though. No one was going to push me out of it.

A few minutes later William Control came on stage and started doing his set. I had always loved William Control, even before he teamed up with BvB.

Ashley's POV~

I was sitting on the side of the stage where no one could see me, but I could see everyone. I spotted Belle without a problem. She stood out, but in a good way. There was something about her I just couldn't shake. Andy sat next to me and raised his eyebrows up and down. "What?" I asked, acting like I didn't know what he was referring to.

"She's hot." Andy said nodding towards the little white head rocking out to Will. I shrugged. "Oh come on Ashley, if a chick's got boobs you find her hot." Andy said raising an eyebrow.

"That is entirely untrue...." I say with a smirk, knowing very well it's one hundred percent accurate."Okay, she's really hot. But it's not just that....there's just...I don't know how to explain it..."

"Just something about her right?" Andy said, taking the words right out of my mouth. I turned to look at him and nodded. "I know, I could tell, you couldn't keep your eyes off her, but unlike most girls you didn't look like you were mentally undressing her." Andy said with a wink.

"I'm ashamed to not have an urge to defend that statement..." I said with a chuckle. "No, she's different....I like it." I murmur, watching her again.

"I think your idea's a good one." Andy says, surprising me. He had stricken as the one most against it. Everyone else seemed totally on board. We all like Belle already.

"You do?" I say raising my eyebrow, even though I know he can't see me.

"Yeah, I do." Andy says with a nod. I can see his hair out of the corner of my eye. "Think she'll go for it?" He asks. I sigh and shrug.

"I...hope so." I say shaking my head.

Annabelle's POV~

William was truly great. The guy's should be coming on anytime now. I feel differently about them now than I had when I showed up today. Closer to them....almost like I fit in with them, and could consider them friends. Ha. Me, friends. That's a new one. If possible, I'm more excited about seeing them now than I had been this morning.

Finally I see the smoke and hear the intro, which is Exordium off the new cd. I hear Andy's deep voice speak the words "The Kingdom of God is inside you, and all around you. Not in a mansion of wood and stone. Split a piece of wood, and God is there. Lift a stone, and you will find God." Once that ended you could barely hear the beginning of I Am Bulletproof. Due to the screaming fans seeing the guys take the stage. Ashley and I locked eyes for a few seconds, he just smiled at me, I, of course grinned back. I really liked something about Ashley, I couldn't figure out what it was.

Ashley's POV~

The fourth concert of the tour, and probably the best one yet. Seeing Belle grinning up at me from the crowd made it all the more fun. I flicked my guitar pick out into the audience and smirked as I heard all the girls in that general direction fighting over it.

We had just finished playing Knives and Pens, not much longer now until the show was over and I could pitch my idea to Belle. I really wasn't sure if she'd agree to it, but I really wanted her to.

Annabelle's POV~

I heard the opening bars to Youth and Whiskey and got ready to sing along. I had always loved this song, and the meaning behind it. I could just imagine being on the road for the first few years of my adult life. Touring the cities, playing music for fans who adored me. It would be amazing.

"These words are burning inside of me, spent years in liquid harmony, this dream is who I wanna be Youth and Whiskey!" I sang along to Andy's voice with the rest of the fans. This song had always been a hit.

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