Chapter 22-Rylan Purdy

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Ashley's POV~

It had been three hours and I hadn't heard a thing. I didn't know if I should of taken that as a good thing, or a bad thing. I had my elbow's rested on my knees with my face buried in my hands. All I kept telling myself was that she had to be okay, she had too. If Belle died, I'd just have to go with her. I couldn't live without her, that wasn't an option in my life anymore. She was my life.

Everyone was here now. Jinxx, Andy, CC, Jake, Juliet, Lauren, Ella and Sammi had both flown in, Falling in Reverse, Asking Alexandria, Will of course, even Kellin and Pierce The Veil and Austin were here. She had become close to them on Warped. Looking around the crowed room all I saw were our friends. No, our family. Blood family didn't mean anything considering we both had blood relatives who didn't care. These people, these bunch of rockstars, they were our family.

Sammi walked over and sat next to me while I was taking it all in. "You know, I really do think she'll be okay Ash." She said looking at me. I didn't look back at her, I didn't move from my hunched over position. I just shrugged. I hoped she was right, but saying it myself, I couldn't. Because if I said it, I had to truly believe it, and if I did, and I was wrong, it would just hit me harder. I couldn't get my hopes up. "Did you guys ever discuss a name." Leave it to Sammi to try to get my mind off things by putting my mind on more stressful things. We had come up with a name though. I nod. "Well, what is it?" She pressed.

"Rylan." I say simply. I had actually come up with it. She had been complaining about nothing going with Purdy, so I came up with something that did. "Just Rylan. No middle name." It wasn't that we hadn't been able to come up with a middle name, we just didn't want one. Rylan Purdy. I sighed. What was taking them so fucking long to tell me something, anything. One good thing could come from it, they were both still alive. I don't think they could wait that long to tell me if they weren't.

"Ryaln Purdy." Sammi said. I liked the way it sounded out loud. I just nodded. I still didn't feel like talking. "I like it. It's cute." She said smiling faintly at me. I give the best smirk I can manage back at her. I like it too. I just hope we get to use it. Jinxx was right. I can't be thinking this way, but it's hard not too. "Want some water or something?" I hear Sammi ask. My throat is really dry...I nod, and she gets up to go find a vending machine. Will soon takes her place.

"She's tough Ashley, she'll pull through." He says as I sit back. My previous position was causing my body to ache. "They'd have to tell us if things kept getting worse." He adds, that's what I thought. Hearing it makes me feel better though. I nod to him. I catch sight of a doctor, I think it's the same one I talked to earlier, I'm not entirely sure. It seems like a thousand years ago even though only a few hours have passed.

"Mr. Purdy?" He asks our room. I can see why he wasn't sure which one was me. We were a bunch of long haired guys in random dark clothes and band shirts.

"That's me." I say quietly standing up. I see Sammi come back with multiple drinks handing them around the room, she hangs back behind me, probably trying to hear what the doctor's about to say. I'm scared out of my mind. What if it's something bad? What then? I brace my self as he opens his mouth.

"Her heart rate is back up and is stable. She's awake, you can see her shortly." I let out a breath of relief. Belle's okay. She's going to be okay.

"And the baby?" Sammi asks from behind me. The doctor raises an eyebrow at me.

"You can tell this one, this one," I point at Will, "Those three girls," nod towards where Ella, Lauren and Juliet are sitting, "And the other four who look like me, anything you'd tell me." I say to him. He nods and looks at his files to answer Sammi's question.

"He's in the NICU. He gets better every hour. He should be okay." He says with a nod. Sammi let's out a sigh of relief this time, I just smile slightly to myself. My family's going to get to be a family. "What's his name? Do you have one?" I hear the doctor ask. I nod to him.

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