Chapter 21-We all fall down sometimes

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Annabelle's POV~

I was laying across the couch, not my couch, I don't have a house, so I don't have a couch, I've been staying with Will for the past couple of weeks since I didn't go to Warped, when I heard my phone ring in the kitchen and got up to go see who it was. Probably Jinxx, we had talked almost daily. He was keeping an eye on Ashley for me. I see the picture on my phone and bite my lip. Ashley's face flashes across the screen. "Hello?" I say answering it, wondering how this will go.

"Hi." I hear, I can hear the smile in his voice which makes me smile.

"Hey." I say sitting at the table, still smiling. "I miss you." I say without thinking. It was the truth though.

"I miss you too Belle, so much." I hear him reply. I realize I have tears in my eyes. Stupid pregnancy hormones. Ashley still doesn't know I'm pregnant. I was waiting to tell him. "How are you?" He asks awkwardly.

"Lonely. Depressed. Miserable. I'm done with this break Ash." I say surprising myself. I didn't think I'd give in that quickly.

"I've been done since an hour after that phone call." I hear him mutter, it causes me to chuckle. "I'm being serious Belle." He tries to say seriously, but I hear the laughter in his voice.

"I know you are, sorry." I say not being able to control to laughter. One second I'm crying, the next I'm laughing. I'm an emotional wreck...

"Will you..." He starts but then stops.

"Will I what?" I ask eating a pretzel. I've craved pretzels, and so far, that's it.

"Will you come to Warped? Please? Just a show at least, I miss you. I want to see you." He says, I hear the hesitation in his voice. I know from what Jinxx has told me, he's done really good with the whole chick thing. I see no reason to not be his again this second. If I ever really wasn't in the first place.

"Yes, I'd love that." I say smiling. We hadn't seen each other since that day in the airport.

"Great." He says, I can hear the happiness in his voice too. "I'll figure out our schedule and text it to you?" He probably had to go do a set.

"Yeah sounds good Ash." I say with a nod.

"Okay great, bye Belle."

"Bye Ash."

" you." He says before I can say anything else he's hung up. I shake my head with a laugh.

I love you too;)-B

I text him eating some more pretzels.


I get back, yep definitely going to play a set. It was sad to say, but everyone knew I was pregnant but him. I told the girls, who clearly couldn't keep it from the guys. Luckily the guys had been able to keep it from him. I hoped he wasn't going to be mad at me for keeping it from him though. I sighed and walked down the hall to the guest room that I had been staying in. I figured it would be a good hour at least, until I heard anything from Ashley. Yet my phone vibrated.

Hey Belle, it's Jon. Ash wanted me to send you the upcoming venues.-J

After that was the next weeks list of dates times and venues. I decided I didn't want to wait anymore.

Will you tell him I'll be at the one in Georgia please?-B

I wrote back, they played in Atlanta Georgia in two days. Two more days. I could barely contain myself.

Will do. See you then.-J

I locked my phone and went to take a shower. After that Ashley was done and had texted me. I really had missed talking to him all the time.

Outlaw's Girl [Ashley Purdy. Book 1]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora