Chapter 5-Something unshakeable

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Ashley's POV~

I played the last few bars to In The End, waved, smiled at the cheering fans, and walked backstage. "Damn, what a show!" CC said bouncing past me. I just chuckled. But he was right, it was a fucking amazing show.

"I've always liked playing in the small venues better than big places. You can really connect with the army!" Andy said, finally coming off stage followed by a sweaty Jake who was nodding and grinning in agreement.

"Fucking rocked." Jinxx added handing a roadie his guitar. "So, where's Belle?" He asked looking towards me.

"Dude, the show ended all of fifty seconds ago." I said with a laugh. "I'm sure she hasn't even started our way yet."

Annabelle's POV~

I sang along to the last few lines of In The End, cheered for the guys with the rest of the crowd, and actually caught one of CC's drumsticks. Pretty good night all in all, and I still had to see what it was Ashley wanted.

I made my way through the crowd and realized I had no idea where backstage was or how to get to it, great job paying attention earlier Belle. Great job. I looked around and felt a sweaty arm wrap around me. "You look lost." Ashley looked down at me with a smirk.

"I was totally lost, yes." I said with a laugh as we started walking.

"So I wanted to ask you about something." He said as we made it backstage. The rest of the guys were talking to their tour manager at the moment.

"What's that?" I asked looking up at him. I noticed the black star necklace hanging from his neck. He had worn stars as long as I could remember.

"Well, we know you want to do something musical one day..." Ashley started.

"And you seem really fucking awesome." Andy said walking up to us. I realized they were all within ear shot.

"So Ash had an idea, and we were wondering..." Jake said raising an eyebrow.

"If you'd like to come on tour with us...?" Ashley finished looking at me in anticipation. I was stunned.

"You...want me, to come with tour with you?" I asked, still shocked. Jinxx nodded. "Are you messing with me?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Of course not!" CC exclaimed.

"We really want you to come." Ashley said nodding.

"But...why?" I ask shaking my head.

"Well, you'd get to see what touring was like." Jinxx said with a nod.

"And I hear Will's looking for a new bass player, maybe you'd be interested." Andy added glancing at me with a smirk. "You said you could play." I just nodded.

"" I said with a laugh. All their faces lit up.

"Really?" Ashley asked smiling at me.

I nodded again. "Really." I said letting it sink in.

I was going to go on tour with Black Veil Brides.


"Are you sure your mother is okay with this?" Ashley asked for probably the third time. I cursed under my breath. I had promised him I'd call her. I had forgotten. "You haven't even asked!" He said sitting up on my bed. It was the next day, and Ashley had offered to help me pack. The bus had to leave this evening, so we had to be quick about it.

"No, I forgot. I'll text her." I say pulling my phone out of my back pocket and typing out a message. "But Ash, I'll be 18 in a few weeks. It doesn't really matter." I say looking from my bag to him.

"I guess that's true..." He says with a nod. Then he looks around the room. "Is one bag going to be enough?" He asks looking back to me.

"Ashley, I'm not packing my entire bedroom." I say with a smirk. He thinks about this for a moment then winks back with a chuckle. I shake my head with a laugh and go back to folding up my hoodie and stuffing it into my duffle bag. "I think that's the last of it." I say glancing around my empty looking bedroom. I had packed pretty much all my clothes, my laptop, some notebooks, and my small stuffed bear I had had since I was young. Ashley found it adorable, I found it pretty embarrassing actually. I had hoped to have been able to sneak it into my bag when he wasn't looking. No such luck.

"Alright, we still have a bit before we have to be back. Want to grab a bite?" He asks picking up my heavy duffle bag, ignoring my complaints about him carrying it.

Finally I gave up and let him take it. "Sure. Food sounds good." I say with a nod. He smiles.

"Alright, let's go." And then we're off and on our way in his car to get lunch.

Yesterday I was sitting in my English class, now I'm riding to get lunch with Ashley Purdy in his car and then going on tour with him and the rest of the band. It was completely unbelievable.

"So where to?" Ashley asks breaking me out of my trance.

"Anywhere's fine."

"What's good?" He asks looking at me.

"Hm, well what are you in the mood for?" I counter looking back at him.

"Country food." He says after considering it for a moment. I chuckle and direct him to the best 'country' restaurant around.

Ashley's POV~

After a waitress seats us and brings us some drinks I look across the table at Belle. She seems to be contemplating something. "What's on your mind?" I ask taking a sip of my coke. She just shakes her head. "Come on, share." I say with a smirk. She sighs and gives in.

"I still don't see why you invited me. I mean, you must meet plenty of musically talented fans. Why chose me to bring on tour?" She asks looking up from her lap to me.

"Well...most people seem struck around us. girly." I say smirking. "You fit in easily, it was like hanging out with an old friend. And we all felt that way. Not just me." I answer her.

"But I can't be the only one who's been like that." She says raising an eyebrow.

"Nah, there's been other's like that...but there was something else about you I liked. I can't place it, but I can't...shake it either." I say looking away from her.

She plays with the tip of her long hair. "I couldn't either." She says, I give her a questioning look, not entirely sure of what she's talking about. "Shake it." She adds.

"Shake what?"

"Not sure...something" She says meeting my gaze for a moment. I smile slightly.

"Well, hopefully being stuck together for over a year will help us place it." I say looking back over at her, she smiles and nods.

Annabelle's POV~

I look out the car window at the large tour bus we're pulling up on. "So Belle, ready to start touring?" Ashley asks smiling at me. I turn and look at him giving a smile and a nod.

We walked in and he showed me to the spare bunk, right above his. He put my duffle bag on it and then we were on our way.

I'm officially touring with BvB, can you believe it?

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