Chapter 18-Brunette's and back pains

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Annabelle's POV~

I'm sitting in front of my mirror looking at my phone in had only been a few weeks, how could this already be happening...I don't know what to make of this. I'm just sitting there gawking at the screen, where a picture of Ashley and some brunette are wrapped around each, and look like they're kissing. Ashley's back is to the camera, but her lips are definitely puckered and against his face. It could just be a fan and a lucky picture right? I sighed and locked my phone before throwing it at the couch. Then I get up a few seconds later to go call Lauren. She's the only one not with the guys right now, other than me, and I want someone's opinion who isn't in the loop. She answers on the third ring. "Hey..." I hear her say slowly. She's seen it.

"Hi..." I say realizing I'm about to break. I've been an emotional wreck lately for some reason.

"You saw it didn't you?" She says sighing.

"Yes." I say closing my eyes. "Do you think he's?" I couldn't finish the sentence. I couldn't let myself believe Ashley would cheat on me.

"Want an honest opinion sweetie?" Uh oh. That doesn't sound good. I say yes though, I want to hear this. "I thought he had changed, I really had...but he was such a player, and this is the first time you haven't been around, and this is his test...I honestly don't know if he changed completely, he could still be the old Ashley...neither of us know because neither of us are there. It's...possible...he's failing the test." She finishes and I sigh. She's right.

"Has CC said anything about it...?" I say rubbing my forehead, it was pounding like crazy out of no where.

"Nope...maybe you should call one of them though?" Lauren suggests as I hear clambering pots. She's attempting to cook.

"I'lll call Jinxx." I say nodding, knowing Jinxx would kick his ass, not cover for him. "Bye Lauren, thanks."

"Bye sweetie, good luck." I hang up and find Jinxx's contact.

"Hello?" He says groggily. Time difference. Crap. I just woke him up.

"I can call back." I say quickly.

"No it's fine, what's up?" He says sounding a little more awake.

"Have you checked Twitter?"

"No, I will right now." I hear, then I hear him telling Sammi he needs her phone. "Oh my god..." He found it. Fast too..."I think I've seen her before...but I don't know where..." Great, so she could be his secret lover, or a fan. None of us know. I hear Sammi say something, "She says she's seen her too." That's not much different from Jinxx having seen her.

"Alright, I have to go get ready to play. Will you snoop un suspiciously?" I ask stretching my sore back with a sigh. I'm falling apart I think.

"I'm on it."

"Thank youuuuu Jinxx. Have a good morning."

"No problem, good night Belle." I smile slightly and hang up I decide not to confront Ashley yet, I wanted to see if more things came up,  and what Jinxx could dig up. By the time the show that night was done I was so tired due to stress I fell asleep the second I got on the bus. Well, I had been extremely tired lately either way. I didn't check my phone or hear Ashley call, so I didn't see his missed calls either. There were many.

Ashley's POV~

"She's pissed at me." I mutter before burying my face in a pillow. I woke up to the picture on Twitter, and hadn't been able to get a hold of Belle since. What if she never talked to me again? We were touring together in a few months, she'd have to. But what if she doesn't talk to me until then? I shake my head to clear it. Maybe her phone just died? I moaned and rolled over. Then there's a knock on the door. I sigh and drag myself over to it, not expecting what I open it to.


A/N: So, what do you guys thinks going to happen? Think it's a certain brunette? Think it's Jinxx coming to dig, or, as Belle put it, kick his ass? Think it's another surprise character making a comeback? Any other thoughts involving Belle? Ooooo, options and hopefully opinions. Comment your theory.:) AND don't forget to vote.<3  Oh, and if anyone wants to know what Belle looks like, let me know.

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