Chapter 23-Home is where the heart is.

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Annabelle's POV~

I looked out the window at the bright L.A. sun. The last show had been here thankfully, so we were all already home. I got to leave the hospital today, and move into Ashley's. Moving in just meant gathering all the stuff I had left at Will's and take it to Ashley's. I sat back on the edge of the bed and replied to the text I had from Kellin. I had on a baggy Anthem made shirt, I was obssesed with Anthem at this point, and some skinny jeans. It was nice being able to fit into my clothes again. Rylan was going home today too. The doctor's were shocked by how well he was doing. We were all pretty shocked actually. He was only five days old, and had made such incredible progress he was going home.

I heard a knock on the door and went to answer it. "Why do you keep knocking?" I asked Ashley with a smirk.

He shrugs and wraps his arms around my waist "It's polite?" He offers as I kiss him gently.

"You aren't one for politeness Mr. Purdy." I say raising an eyebrow at him. He just chuckles and moves aside so I can walk out of the room, we head down to go get Rylan. I had only gotten to see him a couple of times, but I did get to hold him before anyone else. "You never had anyone take any picture's of the two of you." I say looking at Ashley watch the sleeping baby in his arms.

"I never thought to bring Sammi." He said with a shrug. I took a picture without telling him, so he was still looking at Rylan. First picture of daddy with baby.<3 #babypurdy I posted to Instagram smiling to myself. We had all gotten in the habit of using that hashtag. It was huge. It was bigger than my hashtag, which was pretty big.

"I should of known you were taking one." Ashley said shaking his head with a smirk as we walked out to his car. I had posted it on Twitter too. I just smile and nod. The sun feels amazing on my body. It had been too long a hospital stay. "Ready to go?" He asked me, shifting the baby carrier in his hands. I nod again and get into the back seat while he strapped the carseat in. It was about a thirty minute drive from the hospital to Ashley's...well, He had apparently gotten all my stuff from Will's place already.

"Oh, by the way..." He said opening a bedroom upstairs that was going to be the nursery. "Juliet and Lauren." He explained while I looked around the room with my mouth dropped. It was painted a light shade of blue, with clouds on the walls and ceiling. Everything was already set up, and matched the walls. The bedding, the changing table, the dresser, the curtains hiding the closet. It was all blue's and white.

"This is perfect." I say sitting down the diaper bag. "They're the greatest." I said smiling looking back at the door to him. He was leaning against the door frame watching me with a smirk.

"I tried to reign them in..."

"No no, seriously. I love this." I say smiling again.

"Sammi, don't overwhelm him!" I protest as she lays the baby down on a blanket in the grass.

"I'm not, I'm not. Cool your jets." She says taking some picture's. She's been taking picture's of this poor child for an hour now. Inside, outside, on a blanket, in my arms, in Ashley's arms, in between the dogs, Tokyo and Killer, who might I point out, already adore him, in his room, with his teddy bear. Any shot she could get, she got, and somehow she kept coming up with more. She walked back over to us and put him in Jinxx's arms, Ashley was out shopping at this point because I couldn't wait any longer for food. "You come with me." She said taking my wrist and dragging me back into the house. "I have my printer with me, and like six frames. So you can pick six picture's you want right now." She says nodding and making me sit down with the camera.

"Sam, you don't have to do all this." I say flipping through the shots. They are really sweet photos though.

"Think of it as a welcome home present." She says sitting next to me.

"I've been home for two weeks." She makes me shut up and pick my pictures, I finally decide on the six I want to put around the house today and go back outside to find my son and Jinxx. Jinxx has set him on a pillow on the porch swing and was sitting next to him swaying it slowly. I snap a picture on my phone without telling him. "Aw, look at uncle Jinxx." I say smirking and sitting on a chair across from him. He just shakes his head at me with a smile. "Soooooo, when is there gonna be a baby Ferguson keeping you up half the night?"

"Never." He says raising an eyebrow.

"How come?" I say, a little taken aback, I thought he loved kids?

"You seriously think I'd give a poor child that name? Mine are going by Doll, or not having last name's." He said with a nod. I laughed.

"Okay, let me re phrase that. When will we have a baby Doll- Oh my gosh that's the cutest thing ever, that will be your kids hashtag." I said with a  nod. He was just looking at me laughing.

"Soon I hope, Belle. Soon." He said nodding. I grinned, Sammi and Jinxx would make great parents. I couldn't wait until she ended up pregnant. I posted the picture on Instagram, Uncle Jinxx.:) @jinxxed4life #babypurdy. I wonder how long it will take him to see it. I'm sure the fans will love seeing his soft side.

Ella came over a few hours later with some of the cutest baby clothes I had ever seen. "Where did you get all these?" I ask going through them. There were so many outfits here he'd be clothed for a week without having to do any laundry, and he went through many outfits a day.

"London, it has the best baby clothes." She says with a smile while I hand Ashley something to change him into.

"Thank you, I love them." I say hugging her.

"Don't mention it love. I'll be back in a couple of days. Gonna go see my boy before I have to head to New York for some shoots." She says hugging me back, kissing Rylan's forehead, and giving Ashley a quick hug before leaving.

"We have the greatest friends." I point out with a nod as he hands me the stylish little peanut. I had gotten into the habit of calling Rylan that.

"We have the greatest family." He corrects before sitting down on the floor behind me and resting his chin on my shoulder. We really do. The guys, their girls, all the other bands. I don't know what we'd do without all of them. They were the greatest people, we of course had each other too. Me, Ashley and Rylan. I looked around the room, we were in the nursery. The walls, the picture of me him and the baby that Sammi had taken above the crib. The clothes lying around me. The sound asleep baby in my arms, and his daddy on my shoulder, the little dogs curled up on the pillows snoring quietly in the corner. Everything was perfect right now. For the first time in my life, I felt at home.

"Yeah, we do." I say quietly with a smile. I notice he's set something on my knee. A little velvet box. I turn to look at him, he just raises an eyebrow while I open it with my one free hand. A dainty ring with a sparkling black diamond, the same color as that star necklace of his, shimmers. I looked at him again, a little in shock.

"Well?" He asks with a smirk. I realize I'm teared up. I never thought that day at the beach, when we became official I suppose, that I would be sitting here in his arms holding our baby boy, and being asked to marry him. Well who would? Who would have ever pictured a random BvB fan, showing up to the right show, at the right time, and becoming Mrs. Purdy soon down the road. I sure wouldn't, would you?

"Yes." I say in a whisper. "Yes." I repeat as he smiles and kisses my cheek while sliding it onto my finger. Could things get more perfect right now? I smile and lean back into him closing my eyes while he nuzzles his face in my neck. "I love you Ash."

"I love you too Belle."

"How much?" I ask with a smirk.

"Hmmm, to infinity and beyond." He says as I chuckle.

"Good answer." I murmur with a yawn. To infinity and beyond.


Welp, this is the end. It's dedicated to each and every reader who's stuck by me through this. I'm sure it got deathly boring at times, but hopefully I'll be more confident in the sequel, which  is titled- To Inifinity and Beyond. Fitting right?;) It's out now!:D Click on the external link to read it. Uhm, fan so you can get updated on new chapters of it!!!!! Vote and comment. Check out my other stories! I hope this wasn't a let down in the end...let me know what you think. I love you all.<3

~Jade xox.

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