Chapter 10-Eggs and hair dye

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Annabelle's POV

My eyes fluttered open and I turned to see if Ashley had stayed in my bunk the rest of the night. He had, and he was still asleep. He looked really peaceful when he slept. I smiled and rubbed my eyes. Looking at his watch I realized it was only eight. I never woke up this early, I don't even think anyone else was awake yet..I climbed over Ashley and out of the bunk. I was right, everyone else was still out cold in their bunks. The guys that is. Someone was in the shower, and Jinxx still had someone cuddled up next to him, so Lauren must of been the one awake. I went out into the kitchen to make some breakfast. "Good morning Belle, you're up rather early." Lauren said with a yawn sitting on one of the counters.

"Yeah I know, I'm not sure why." I say with a chuckle. "Want some eggs?" I ask before putting all the ingredients away. She shakes her head.

"I'm not a breakfast person. But thanks." She says with a smile. I smile back. A little while later Andy and Jinxx have woken up. "You guys always pick on me for sleeping so late, but it looks like it just so happens I wake up a few minutes after everyone." I say with a head shake as Jinxx steals my eggs.

"Well damn, you figured us out." Andy says walking by with a wink. I narrow my eyes at him.

"You aren't a very nice person." I say sticking my tongue out. "Jinxx, if you wanted eggs I would have made you some." I say as he steals another bite. "Just take these." I say pushing my plate towards him and getting up to make more eggs.

"Thank you Belleeeee." He says smiling.

"Mmmmmmhm." I say with a head shake making some more eggs.

"Sammi wants us to go out again today." Lauren says nodding. "Because she's leaving after tomorrows show." I sigh.

"We'll definitely have to do something today then." I say nodding and sitting back down with more eggs. "When are you leaving? I know you aren't staying the whole tour." I say looking to Lauren who's still on the counter.

"I'm not leaving for a couple weeks still." She says nodding. It'd be weird in a couple weeks once Sammi and Lauren were both gone. At least Juliet planned on joining us again in a month or so.


Ashley's POV

I rub my eyes groggily. Belle's not in the bunk, so I climb out and walk into the kitchen where Belle, Andy, Jinxx and Lauren all are in. "Want some eggs?" Belle asks me.

"Sure." I say sleepily, and she gets up to make some more. "What's everyone doing today?" I ask sitting on a couch next to Andy.

"The girls are going out to do whatever. Jake needs to go to a music store, I think Jinxx is going with him." Andy says looking to Jinxx who nods. "And I don't know what me and CC are doing. You?"

I shrug. "Whatever you and CC do I'll tag along." I say nodding with a yawn. "Sammi going home tomorrow?" Jinxx nods with a sigh. "Eventually I'll have you to myself." I say looking at Belle with a wink. She smirks and sets a plate of eggs in front of me.


Me, Andy and CC end up going to see a movie. We couldn't come up with a single thing, so we decided to go watch the new movie Mama. On the way there Andy asked me, "So, you and Belle official now?" I shrug.

"I'm not sure..."

"Do you want to be?" CC asks from the passenger seat.

"Well yeah." I say looking away from the window and to him.

"Then officially ask her out." Andy suggests.

"Maybe I will." I say shrugging. It actually was a pretty good idea.


Annabelle's POV

"Where are we off too?" I ask getting in the backseat with Sammi, Lauren had offered to drive.

"Well, we're gonna fix your hair this evening, so we'll need to go get some hair. I may re do mine too." Sammi says nodding.

"You should put some color in mine." Lauren pipes up.

"Oooooo, what color?" Sammi asks smiling.

"Whatever will look best." She says shrugging. We all decide some purple underneath will look best in Lauren's hair, and that Sammi's going to go red and black again. We also change up mine, we're going to strip the current color out, and dye my whole head a light bubble gum pink. So after we hit up a Sally's for all the product we need, we go back to the bus and get started on it.

"Ashley needs to ask you out already." I hear Lauren say from the chair Sammi has her in while she applies the deep purple hair dye.

"You really think he will? Ashley doesn't seem like the date type.." I say with a sigh, rinsing out the bleach from my tips, and bangs.

"I think he will." Sammi says nodding. "Just be patient. And call me the second anything happens!" She adds nodding. I chuckle.

"You'll be the first to know Sammi."

"I better be." I shake my head with a laugh and dry my hair, so I can dye it pink.


This is pretty much just a filler. I'm not feeling very well, but I'll right a much better chapter as soon as I can.

Outlaw's Girl [Ashley Purdy. Book 1]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt