Chapter 20-The break

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Ashley's POV~

"No I don't understand, Belle. Why can't we talk about this? Try and work it out? It was ONE kiss." I say into the phone, trying to keep my voice steady.

"I have reasons Ashley, okay? I'm not saying we're done for good, I'm just saying I need a break." A break. Sure. What a cliche. All couples say they're taking a break and then they never speak again. I don't want that to happen to us. I need Belle, I can't just lose her forever.

"How long of a break, Belle?" I ask as I hear a knock on my door for about the thousandth time. I think cussing out one of her bestfriends while on the phone with her might not help my case, so I ignore him. It's either Jinxx or CC. Or both.

I hear her let out a sigh. "I...I don't know Ashley. Just a break." He voice sounds shaky. She also sounded...sick, through the whole conversation. "I promise it's not for good."

"Are you okay?" I ask changing the subject. I'll just have to hope she means what she's promising.

"What?" She asks, sounding caught of guard.

"You sound sick, are you okay?" I ask again.

"Uh, yeah...yeah Ash, I'm fine." She's lying. I can tell.

I just sigh, "Alright Belle." I say looking in the mirror. I look crap, and I have to go play a show in fift- ten minutes. Ten fucking minutes.

"Bye Ashley."

"Bye..." And then she's gone. I slam my phone down and rub my forehead. This wasn't supposed to happen. I hear the knock again and snap. "I am fucking coming! Calm down and go away!" I yell at whoever it was.

"Well damn, I was just seeing if you were okay." I hear Andy say. I sigh and walk over to open the door.

"Sorry, I'm in a crappy mood." I said plopping back down in my chair.

"What happened Ash? Why'd you kiss her?" He asks sitting on the table, cutting right to the chase.

"I...I don't even know at this point. I was drunk, really really drunk. I didn't even remember it until I saw the picture." I reply glancing at him before looking at the ground.

Andy's eyes grow a little, "You're never that drunk..." He remarks.

"Yeah I know, and look what happens, I get that way once and fuck everything up." I say sinking back in my chair.

"What did she say?" He asks looking back at me.

"That she wants a break. She said we weren't over, and she said we would get back together, but she doesn't know when." I say summing up our conversation.

"Well that's good. You still have her in a way, and you will eventually." I shrug. I hadn't thought of it like that, I had thought about how mad she was and that she could go fall for someone better in that time.

"Yeah I guess we'll see." I say fluffing my hair as well as I can before standing up. "Let's go put on a show." I say as he follows me out of the room. We only had about three more shows here, then we had Warped, which I guess she wasn't coming to now.

Annabelle's POV~

"Are you okay?" I heard Ashley ask, more calm then he had been a few minutes before. I didn't know what to say. No I'm not okay. I'm having the worse morning sickness and migrane's imaginable, and now I'm breaking it off with him for who knows how long.

"What?" I manage to say, he doesn't know I'm pregnant, why would he ask that?

"You sound sick, are you okay?" He repeats and I rub my eyes. He actually knows me enough to know when I'm sick, and he hasn't even been around me while I've been sick. That's just...I didn't expect that.

"Uh, yeah...yeah Ash, I'm fine." I say, wanting nothing more than to get off the phone at this point.

"Alright Belle." I hear him say with a hint of a sigh. I don't want to hang up. I do, but I don't. Who knows when I'll talk to him again?

"Bye Ashley." I manage to say much calmer than I would have thought, but I feel the tears coming.

"Bye..." I hear, then hang up. Burying my face in my hands as my body trembles. This seemed like the best option, to see if he'd be faithful through our break, but this wasn't what I wanted. I didn't want a break. I didn't want to see him end up with a bunch of sluts...because that would be the end. We'd be done. I didn't want that. "Please be the Ashley I know." I whisper to myself, still crying. It's the morning here, Will went out to get food, I told him I wasn't hungry and wanted to be alone. Now I didn't. I wanted someone, anyone, to comfort me. I just laid into my pillow crying my eyes out until I eventually cried myself to sleep.

"Belle." I felt my back being rubbed. "Belle darling, wake up." I heard Will's voice. How long had I slept? We had a show tonight! My eyes fluttered open and I looked over at him.

"What time is it?" I asked thinking about all the things I had to do to get ready.

"Show's in an hour, we took care of sound check." He replies, I gave him a thumbs up. All I had to do was shower, get dressed and do my makeup then. I take my time in the shower, letting the hot water calm my body. Our tour would be over in about two weeks, I was supposed to meet up with Ashley at Warped, I wouldn't be doing that now...where was I supposed to go? I shook my head and decided to figure that out later. I got out of the shower and put on a black and white horizontal striped strapless dress that stopped just above my knees. I towel dried my pink hair, and put on my makeup. I felt better than I had in days, except for my aching heart of course.

Ashley's POV~

Another fan asked for a picture so I put on the fake smile I had since that night and took one with her. In all honesty I was miserable. I felt someone tap my shoulder and turned around seeing a face I did not want to. "Go away." I said flatly before walking down a small staircase hoping to find Jake or Andy or anyone. Kina followed.

"I heard you're back on the market eh?" She says walking in front of me.

"Where did you hear that?" I ask raising my eyebrows.

"Around." She says shrugging.

"Go away Kina. I'm not on the market. Sorry to disappoint." I say pushing past her. How did she always find me in the most random venues? It was the second week of Warped, and the ninth show. It had been a month since Belle and I had talked that night. A month since Belle and I had talked at all.

"Then where's your girlfriend?" I winced at the word, she really wasn't mine anymore, was she?

"She's in LA. Goodbye, Kina." I say walking again until I run slam into Jinxx. We hadn't been on the best terms either. My life's falling apart. My girlfriend won't speak to me, one of my bestfriend''s doesn't speak to me hardly at all anymore, and I can't keep girls away from me. They won't take the hint. 

"I think you should call Belle." He says before anything else. I'm totally confused and caught off guard.

"Wait, what?" I say as he waves cockily at Kina trying to get her to go away.

"Because you've stayed away from every girl who's come your direction. Even Kina. Remember back when you were torn between them?" He asks, I nod. How I could have ever been that dumb I don't know. "Call her." He says before turning around.

"Wait, Jinxx." I say walking towards him.

"Hm?" He asks turning back to me, he already has the diamond painted over his eye.

"Thank you." I say as he nods with a slight smile. I smile back and head back to our dressing room to get my phone. Luckily none of the other's are in here. I dial her number hoping she'll pick up. Please, please pick up.

"Hello?" I hear her voice. For the first time in so long.


A/N: Double update...this story is moving along nicely. What do you guys think will happen? Do you think he and Belle will mend things over this phone call, or do you think she still wants this break? Comment, vote, fan, the usual.<3

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