Chapter 13-New York

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Annabelle's POV~

I rolled over in the bunk and nudged Ashley. Nothing. I nudged him again and he moaned. "I'm trying to wake you up nicely, but I will push you into the floor if I need to." I say with a yawn.

"Glad to know you're your usual ray of sunshine in the morning." He grumbles sitting up, and hitting his head on the ceiling. "Go ahead, laugh, I see it all over that you want to." He says smirking at me. I had my face buried in a pillow so I wouldn't break out laughing. But it didn't work. "You're so mean." 

"I'm sorryyyy." I say wrapping my arms around him still laughing.

"Uh huh. Sure." He says sticking his tongue out at me. I hear a bang on the wall.

"Get your lazy ass's out of bed." We hear CC's groggy voice.

"He's just being bitter because we woke him up." I say smirking, then climbing over Ashley to get out of bed. Juliet was joining us today, and apparently was already in town, because we were told Andy was on his way to pick her up. "So Jinxx, when will Sammi be joining us again?" I ask with a yawn as I sit down next to him on the couch.

"Well we'll see her a couple times in Australia, and she should be with us for the last half of the Kerrang tour." Jinxx says nodding. "Which Will's djing."

"So in other words, you're tagging along too." Ashley says sitting on the other side of me.

I smile, "Sounds fun." He smiles back and we all sit around chatting and eating breakfast until Andy and Juliet got back. Lauren insisted on doing my makeup in the mean time. "When's Ella gonna be with us again?" I ask yawning again as she applies some eye liner.

"She'll be with us through the Kerrang tour at least...possibly in Australia some too. I'm leaving before that though." She says sighing. "I wish I could stay, but I can't stay for the entire thing, I've already been gone too long actually." I pout. At least I'll have Juliet. Being alone with these five guys would get stressful.

"Juliet!" Lauren says looking up as the doors open. We both hug her and make small talk for a bit while Lauren works on my makeup. She must be putting on a lot...

"So I see that you and Ashley are a thing now. You're all over Twitter." She says smirking at me. Femme climbing around in her lap. I guess where ever Juliet went, her and Andy's kittens followed.

I chuckle. "Yeah, we have been for about two days." I say nodding. By looks of Twitter you'd think it would have been longer. People had gotten so many picture's of us, it was a little creepy.

I look around the big city. "New York. That's where we are." I hear Ashley next to me. I start to make a snide remark about knowing that...but in all honesty I didn't.

"If I'm this bad here...imagine when we leave the country." I say face palming. "I'm a failure." I say with a chuckle.

"I keep giving you lists of the tour dates!" He says with a laugh.

"I'm aware. I keep...losing them..."

"Ooooof course." He says with a head shake. I stick my tongue out while he rolls his eyes with a smirk, and we go off exploring. "Let's try not to be late again." He says setting a reminder on his phone while we walk away from a pizza place.

"Yeah, they were all kinda pissed at us over that." I say taking a bite of my cheese pizza.

"How can you get just cheese?" He asks with a headshake.

"Don't jude me. I don't like toppings on my pizza."

"You're eating New York pizza. You should be making an exception." He says raising an eyebrow. "You're trying mine." He says with a nod.

"Noooo! You put SO much on it."

"Exactly. Eat it." He says as he pushed it towards my face. I sigh and take a bite.


"You're officially a lost cause." He says matter of factually. I laughed and continued eating my plain pizza. His really wasn't that bad, I just didn't want him to be right.

Tonight was the last show. We'd be getting on a plane after words and flying to Australia. "Is flying scary?" I ask as I finish lacing up my boots.

"Nah it's not that bad. Taking off's the worst part." Will replies taking my hand and pulling me up off the saggy couch backstage.

"I hope so." I say looking at him. "Well, we better get going. They've finally started chanting our names before BvB's." I say with a chuckle. He smirks and we go to play our last U.S. set for who knows how long.


A/N: This is really short, it's pretty much just a filler. I got so much feedback on my latest chapter I figured I'd post somethin. If you want another update today let me know. I'll TRY to get it up.:) Vote.<3

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