Chapter 9-Beatiful Loser

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Annabelle's POV~

I went out in the audience for this show instead of standing side stage. Sammi had sent me out with a camera telling me "I can't ever get picture's from that view. Too many fans trying to talk to me." So now I had to try to get decent picture's. I wasn't a bad photographer by any means, but I wasn't Sammi Doll good either. I had somehow pushed my way to the front, Will was finishing up his set. He had finally convinced me to play with him, which would start next show. I was a nervous wreck about it. I took some cool shots of him, and waited with the fans for BvB to take the stage. They surely did not disappoint. And according to Sammi I took fantastic picture's. She insisted on making me a facebook page for my 'fans'. I kept telling her I didn't have fans. She informed me I would after the show I played. That just made me more nervous.


Today was it, the day of the show, we still had about three hours before we had to be there though. "You okay?" Ashley asked me, watching me pick at my food. I pushed my plate to him.

"Eat it. I'm just going to waste it." I say sitting back in the chair, we were out having lunch, we went out a lot together now.

"It's not scary. It's really cool being up on stage playing for a room full of people." He says taking a bite of a french fry.

"Says you, who's done it your entire life." I say looking at him. "Oh wait, don't tell me, you've never been nervous? Not even for your first show?" He nods.

"Of course I was. But it passes after the first song pretty much." I hoped he was right."Come on." He said standing up.

"Where are we going?"

"To get you some stage clothes." He says nodding.

"I hadn't even thought of that! What the hell am I supposed to wear?" I say as some panic sets in.

"Will's already come up with it, we just have to go pick it up. You'll like it." He says nodding as I stand up.

I came out of the fitting room wearing a snug fitting red dress. It stopped a little above my knees, with a zipper starting at the waist line in the front, and a corset type lace in the back. It was strapless, and paired with fish net tights. "This, is what William came up with?" I say looking down at it.

"Ella helped." Ashley said shrugging.

"Ella left a month ago." I pointed out.

"They planned it before that."

"I hadn't even agreed then."

"We all knew you would." I shake my head looking at myself in the mirror. I do look really cool.

"I like it." I say turning to Ashley.

He nods, "So do I." He says with a smirk.

"Of course you do." I say rolling my eyes at him, he just winks at me before walking off.

"You go on in ten minutes." The manager said before walking off to find Jake, the roadies had screwed up something with the guitars. Surprise surprise.

"You look like a ghost." Will comments. "Very pale."

"I'm always pale." I said defensively.

"Not this pale." He says plainly.

"Gee thanks. You're helping a lot." I said sarcastically with a smirk.

"You'll do fine." He said smiling while I shrugged.

"We'll see..." And then our ten minutes are shortened to five, which have passed, so we're on.

The first song we play is Beautiful Loser, always had been my favorite.

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