Chapter 8-Shopping with Sammi

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Ashley's POV~

"So?" Belle asked. I looked over at her in the dark.

"Right, so, I may or may not have overheard your conversation with Jinxx..." I started slowly.

"Oh my gosh, how much did you hear?" She asked while covering her face.

"Pretty much everything." I said, moving her hands away from her face. "But hey, you have nothing to worry about with Kina." She raised an eyebrow. "I promise. We're just...talking, but that will stop now too. Don't worry."

"Don't stop talking to her because you feel like you have to. I'm not controlling you." She says looking at me. Even in the dark her eyes sparkle.

"I'm not, I'm putting a stop to it because I want to." I said with a nod.


"Because, I'd rather spend my time talking to you." I say, pushing a strand of hair away from her eyes. She just smiled at me. "Since, ya know, you like me and everything." I said winking.

"I cannot believe you heard that." She moaned while I chuckled.

"It's okay. I like you too, a whole bunch."

"You do?"

"I do." I say nodding. She smiles again. The next thing I know I'm kissing her, and she's kissing me back. Everything felt right in that moment. I didn't need Kina. I had something way better.

Annabelle's POV~

"Belle, you gotta wake up." I moaned at the annoying voice.

"Why do you all always end up awake before me?" I asked sitting up and rubbing my eyes, looking Andy standing there smirking.

"I honestly don't know, we drink way more, you'd think you'd be the one waking us all up." He said shrugging.

"I don't drink." I said looking at him.

"My point exactly. Now get up." He said while throwing a pillow at me.

I drag myself out of bed and into the kitchen area, grumbling all the way. Ashley's already eating, surprise surprise. "What would you do if we took all your food away from you for an entire day?" I asked sitting across from him.

He thought about it for a moment and replied with, "Steal your waffles." No one steals my waffles. They all know better than to take my waffles.

"You wouldn't."

"I might." He said smirking. I narrowed my eyes and got up to make some waffles. All the talk had gotten me hungry for some.

"Are we"

"Kentucky." Ashley supplies shaking his head while drinking his coffee.

"Yes, Kentucky yet?" I ask, reminding myself to study the date list for shows. Jake shakes his head. "Seriously?"

"I know, it's the longest drive yet." Lauren says with a sigh.

"But, if we get there when we're supposed to, we'll have about six hours before the show." Sammi says, not looking up from her phone, probably instagramming.

"What are you guys gonna do?" Jinxx asks with a yawn. Ella had gone back home now too, so now it was just Sammi and Lauren...and me...if I count yet.

"Wanna come shopping?" Lauren asks looking to me with a smile. Sammi looks up nodding.

"That sounds fun." Sammi says. I agree, and about three hours later when we've gotten dressed and gotten to town, the three of us go out shopping. It was nice having a type of girls day, we hadn't done that before.

"So, you and Ashley." Sammi starts while smirking at me, going through a rack in Rue 21. "What all happened last night?" She asked as I blushed.

"Oooo, something definetly happened." Lauren said raising her eyebrows up and down.

"It was just a kiss, Lauren." I say glancing at her.

"Does that mean you guys are a thing now?" Sammi asks holding a shirt up to Lauren. "You're trying this on." She says looping it over her arm.

I chuckle at Lauren's facial reactions through all this and then answer the question with, "I don't really know....I don't...I don't think so."

"I think so." Lauren says handing me a pair of plaid ripped up skinny jeans. "You need some designs." She adds as I raise an eyebrow at them.

"You really think so?"

"Yes, plain colors get old." She says handing me a split leg pair with skulls up the side. They were pretty cute actually.

"I meant about me and Ashley."

"Oh, yeah. He looks at you...different, then he's ever looked at anyone." Sammi says looping a sweater over her shoulder.

"Is that a good thing?" I asked, picking out a couple shirts to go with the jeans Lauren wanted me to try on. They both nodded. I smiled a little. "I guess we'll see..." I say as we all head towards the dressing rooms.

A while later Lauren goes off to find someting for CC, apparently their anniversary was coming up, so me and Sammi head towards the food court. "I really do think you and Ashley will end up being a thing." She says out of the blue, Ashley hadn't been brought up for a couple hours now. I just shrugged. "You're bad at acting like you don't care." She says smirking.

"Okay, yeah, I'd love to be a thing, but I don't know if it'll happen..." I say looking at her.

"It will, give it time. Hey, before we go eat lets run into hot topic real quick...I wanna convince you to let me do something with your hair." I raise my eyebrows and she pulls me into the store. While in there I find more rubber bracelets to add to my collection, a Suicide Silence t-shirt, a neon green lip hoop for my labret piercing, and agree to let Sammi buy some orange and some blue manic panic and have her way with my hair.

"I'm going to regret this..." I say walking out, although, I've always loved Sammi's hair, maybe mine will turn out nicely too.

We got to the hotel we'd be staying in with enough time to dye my hair. Sammi's really good actually, no wonder her hair always looks fantastic. After sitting around with foil all over my head watching MTV with Jinxx, and waiting for Sammi to come back to the room with coffee, we finally get to rinse it out and dry it. Sammi insists on straightening the whole head. I hadn't done that since the show I met them all at. I now have fiery bright orange tips, that are about two inches long, and ocean blue bangs. I must say, I love it. "It looks epic, thanks Sammi!" I say smiling.

"Anytime! I love doing hair." She says returning the smile. "I bet Ashley will love it too." She says raising her eyebrows up and down. I smiled while shaking my head. But she was right, he did love it.

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