Chapter 6-A day in the city

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A/N: Okay, so, I'm going to jump a few months, but I'll catch you guys up. Wanna get things rolling.


Annabelle's POV~

I woke up to the brightness of the bus invading my bunk. "Close. The curtains. Purdy." I grumble rolling my face into my pillow.

"Only. If you promise. To get up. Hunter." He said mocking my tone.

Not a lot had happened in the past few months, just chilling with each other on the bus, watching their shows, going to a hotel. Chilling with each other on the bus, watching their shows, going to a hotel. A very repetitive thing, touring. But I wouldn't trade it for the world, I was having the time of my life.

It felt like I had known them all a lot longer than 3 simple months. I got along with them like I had known them my whole life. Juliet, Sammi, Lauren and Ella whom I had finally gotten to meet, had become like the big sisters I never had. Jinxx Jake Andy and CC the big brothers. Not Ashley, even though we hadn't talked about it since the restaurant, we didn't feel like siblings. I wasn't sure what we felt like though.

Oh well, we'd cross that bridge when we came to it.

"I'm not promising anything." I said moving my head so one eye was showing, and watching him. He had his arms crossed with an eyebrow raised and a smirk on his face. "And wipe that amused expression off your face." I say rolling my whole body over, facing the wall. "It's too early for that." I add with a yawn. I hear him chuckle and feel him bounce into the bed next to me. I roll the top half of my body over to look at him, and raise an eyebrow.

"I know a way to wake you up." He says with a smirk.

"Try anything funny you'll be on the floor in a second flat." I say back, mocking the smirk. He shrugs and scoots a little closer. What's he doing? Then I feel his fingers tracing my side. "Ashley stop!!" I yell out, already feeling the tickle.

"Nah, it's just so fun." He said tickling a little harder.

"Stop stop stop!" I say squirming around a kicking. He covers my mouth while I shake my head.

"Bet you wished you woulda gotten up when I asked nicely, huh?" He asks with a wink. At this point the tickling's too much to handle and I'm laughing so hard I can't breathe. I squirm enough that we've apparently moved to the edge of the bunk, that's a good five feet off the ground. We both go rolling off and topple onto the floor. I wasn't the only one dying of laughter now.

"What. Did. You. Do that. For?" Ashley asks in between laughter. I was crying at this point.

"It wasn't my intention." I say still laughing. My legs are pinned under his, but my heads on his chest. I could feel his whole body shaking from laughter. Although I'm positive mine was too. "I'm wide awake now. Are you happy?" I ask, starting to calm down a bit.

He nods, "Ecstatic." He said giving me a smirk before standing up and pulling me to my feet. "So Ms.Hunter, what would you like to do today?" He asks as I sit back on the edge of my bunk.

"What's everyone else doing?" I ask running my fingers through my knotty hair.

"Well Juliet and Andy have gone out to lunch, and'll probably find something else to do right up until the show, it is her last night with us after all." He says looking at me.

I sigh with a nod. "What about Sammi and Jinxx?" I've grown very found of them in particular.

"I think they've gone out to take picture's."

"Lauren and CC?"

"Probably off drinking somewhere."

"Jake and Ella?"

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