Chapter 16-Valentines day

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A/N: Just so you guys know-

Ashley's not 29 in this. He's the same age as Jinxx and Jake. 26.


Annabelle's POV~

"...Dad?" I say, finally finding my voice. Yes, my father, whom hasn't had any contact with me, or frankly, given a crap about me, since he left me with my psychotic mother almost 7 years ago, was calling me. How had he found me? How had he gotten my number? This didn't make sense...the number...I had learned what the Australia number's looked like...that was one. Did he live here? He must. That still doesn't explain how he found my number though...I shook my head and waited for him to respond.

"Yep, it's me. I wanted to talk to you..." I heard him say. I started to say something but changed my mind. I didn't have time for this, I couldn't deal with this right now.

"Now's not really a good time...Uhm....I'll....Uh...I'll call you back when I get a chance..." I say looking at Will, who's jaw is on the ground. I hear him start to say my name, but I clicked end, shaking my head. "Uh.." I say before sighing. What could you say about that? They all knew my dad had taken off right before my tenth birthday. Now here I was, 17, and he randomly finds my cell phone number, which I obviously didn't have when I was nine, and calls me? I realized Jinxx was standing in the doorway now too, and Will had apparently caught him up, because he wore the same shocked expression. These two were the closest things I had to brother's, I couldn't love them more. "So..." I start again, but I still didn't know what I could say. I felt like screaming, crying and breaking something all at the same time. I had to play a fucking set in fifteen minutes...this couldn't have come at a worse time. I feel my eyes start to tear up and close them for a minute. Next thing I know Jinxx is hugging me, and Will is telling our manager we're gonna have to push back the show a bit.

"Are you sure it was him?" Jinxx asks me a few minutes later, after I've calmed down. I nodded. There was no mistaking that the person I had been talking to was my father.

"What did he want?" Will asks looking at me, he was sitting next to me on a couch, and Jinxx was on the coffee table in front of me. I shrugged.

"I don't know...I...hung up on him before he could really say much..." I say sighing."What could he want?" I add rubbing my temples. Will shook his head as Jinxx shrugged. There was a knock on the door a few seconds later.

"Who is it?" Will asks, we heard Ashley's voice in reply. I nodded, telling them to let him in. Jinxx had had to lock the door earlier due to unhappy managers.

"What the crap you gu-" He stops when he sees me, I can only imagine how absolutely stressed I look. "What's wrong?" He asks looking at me, he's still across the room by the door, which Will is re locking.

"My dad just...called me..." I said looking up at him. He raised an eyebrow, glancing at the guys.

"Your dad....?" I nod in reply. "Well...what did he want?"

"Beats me." I say with a laugh. This isn't funny, but I'm hysterically laughing at this point. "I hung up on him." I say, still laughing uncontrollably. All three of the boys are looking at me like I've lost my mind. I probably had. "Let's go play this show." I say standing up and patting Ashley's chest as I walk by him and out the door. Leaving all three of them standing there, not knowing what had just happened. Will soon joins me and we start our set, only ten minutes late. I play it just fine, feeling like myself. But by the time I'm sitting back stage listening to the fans freak out as BvB take the stage I feel so drained I could just die.

"You okay?" Will asks sitting next to me. I just shrug.

"How did he find me?" I asked looking at him.

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