Chapter 17-Separate ways

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Ashley's POV~

We're not on for another four hours, but we were all called to the venue for sound check a bit early, because we had been having problems with it lately. "CC you first." The sound guy says, we were all told to play We Don't Belong Here. CC goes through the whole song on his own and it sounds good, if I hadn't had put in my ear pieces, they'd probably be ringing. "Alright." He says giving CC a thumbs up. "Jake, Jinxx, you next." He says as they get ready for the cue. "Guitar only, we're gonna try doing strings separately this time." He adds to Jinxx before telling them to play, he has to mess around a little but it all sounds good at the end. I play next, then Jinxx does his strings, then Andy sings. All works and sounds right so we're told to go do whatever until we're supposed to be back. That took a good hour and half, so we only had two and a half left before show time. Jinxx and Sammi went back to the hotel, Juliet and Andy said they were just going to go driving around, and CC and Jake were headed to the bar, that left me and Belle.

"Whatcha wanna do?" I asked her as she played with her necklace. She still wore it everyday.

"I want food." She replied, looking at me with a nod.

"Sounds good to me!" I said as we got back on the bike and head out looking for food. We ended up getting ice cream. Health food junkies, obviously. "You even eat your ice cream plain." I complained as she licks her vanilla cone.

"...Quit judging me." She said with a smirk. I just shook my head with a smile.

They had gotten a headline tour, so they wouldn't be coming with us on the Kerrang! tour as we originally thought. Although, after Warped our manager had set up a tour consisting of us, them, Falling in Reverse, a small local band Falling in Reverse's lead singer was friends with, and possibly Asking Alexandria. So we'd be together for all that, which would be stretching around the world. "Are you excited for your headlining tour?" I ask as we sit down on a bench.

"Would I be a terrible girlfriend if I said yes?" She asked with a chuckle.

"No, not at all." I said laughing. It was only a few weeks after all. She might even end up with me through part of Warped.

Annabelle's POV~

A few hours later we had to go back to the venue, I've played, and now Ashley was playing. I was sitting back stage accepting people on Instagram. I had accepted almost 3,000. This wasn't that bad. But after a while I got tired of sitting so I went in search of a mirror to take a picture to post for my new followers. After walking through a maze of hallways (This was a very big venue)  I found a door that apparently led outside, because security was currently trying to keep someone out. I started to turn back and get out of the way when I heard the voice for the second time this week. My dad was now trying to get backstage. "I'm Annabelle's father. You know, William Control's bassist?" Of couse they knew me, they had been our security for all of the Australia shows, apparently my father didn't think like this. What I heard next shocked me. "I'm here to take her with me. She's only 17, she shouldn't be here. That rock band could be charged with kidnapping." I backed up so he couldn't see me but got security's attention. One of them walked over to talk to me, keeping me hidden from his view.

"He isn't your father, right?"

"He is..."

"Why's he trying this?"

"He left when I was young."

"So he has no rights?"


"And your mother?"

"Allowed me to come." He must have read the expression on my face through all this because he then replied with.

"I'll get a rid of him."

"Thank you." I said with a weak voice and walked back towards where I came from. My father must be psychotic. He truly believes he could make me leave? Come with him? No. And I shouldn't be here? I'm making a name for myself, what's wrong with that? I sighed and sunk against a wall. My phone vibrated and I answered it on the first ring. "Stop calling me. Don't come to another one of my shows. You walked out on me. I don't want you to walk back in, so don't." I say hanging up before he can say anything,  as someone sits down next to me.

"You okay?" Juliet asked. I only realize now that I have a tear running down my face. I just nodded. "You sure?" I nod again. "You want a hug?" A nod, yet again, and she wraps her arms around me. "It'll be okay babe." I hear her say in my ear.

"Yeah, I know." I say finding my voice and managing a smile at her. We got up and headed back to watch the rest of the show.

A couple of shows and days later I'm heading back to the states with Will, and Ashley and the rest of BvB are heading to the U.K..

"I'll see you soon." Ashley says hugging me. "Have fun."

"You too." I say looking up at him before he kisses me. "I love you."

"I love you too." He says as Sammi sneaks my phone out of my pocket and tells us to smile. We still have our arms wrapped around each other. We do as were told and she hands it back to me smiling.

"Alright, bye love." She says hugging me. "We really gotta go Ash." She says before skipping off towards Jinxx.


"Don't say bye. I'll see you soon." I say smiling at him before kissing him one more time and letting him go, so he could leave with his band. While I go to walk back to my terminal to find Will, I look at the picture Sammi had snapped of us, and smile before posting it on Instagram, with the caption "See you soon U.S., UK,  get ready for the Wild One's." Almost 500 likes by the time I get to Will. Dang. I had finally accepted BvB, Jinxx, Andy, Jake, Ashley, Sammi, Juliet, Lauren, Ella and Will yesterday after they complained for a week and half. I never did come across them on the list, I had to go find them manually.

"My face is not on your Instagram yet. I'm hurt." Will says scrolling through his feed when I walk up.

"Come here Will." I say with a chuckle snapping a picture with him, I stick my tongue out and he raises an eyebrow, giving his normal Will look. "There."

"Caption something catchy."


"Fine, then I'm taking one too." So we take another picture, and Will captions it with some catchy pun or song lyric, along with tagging me. I just write "Will's face, enjoy." About an hour later we're on the plane. I look out the window with a sigh, I was excited yeah, but I'd miss Ashley.

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