Chapter 11-Cigarette's and bubblemint

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Annabelle's POV~

I leaned my head back against the couch, waiting for sound check to end. Sammi had left yesterday, and Lauren was off who knows where. So it was just me at the moment. Will was outside smoking, so I thought I might join him. I got up and walked to the backstage exit. "Any chance I can bribe a cigarette off of you?" I asked leaning against a wall next to him. He chuckled and handed me one.

"I didn't know you smoked."

"I don't." I said with a laugh while he used his lighter to light my cigarette.

"You don't smoke, yet you're smoking my cigarette?" He asked, an eyebrow raised.

"It's not like a habit, but I do it once in a while." I say nodding.

"I see." He says dropping his and putting it out with his shoe. "I have to go get dressed. See you in a bit Belle." I blow out some smoke and nod at him as he walks inside. I sink down the wall to where I'm sitting against it with my knees pulled to my chest. I hear the door open and close again and turn to see who it is.

"Hey Ash." I say smiling as he sits down next to me.

"Do you have any idea how bad those are for you?" He says nodding towards my cigarette.

"I got bored." I say with a shrug.

"Then we musn't let you get bored anymore." He says shaking his head. I chuckle. "I wanted to ask you something." He says looking ahead.

"Shoot." I say blowing out more smoke.

"Damn, I don't really know how to..." He says sighing.

"Just say it?" I say shrugging.

"Well..." He starts then stops. I turn to look at him. He takes the cigarette out of my hand and puts it out. A few seconds later we're kissing, we had only ever kissed that once. I wasn't sure if it would ever happen again. But here I was, kissing Ashley Purdy. Again. He tasted like bubble mint. He pulls away and looks at me.

"Enough said." I say running my fingers through my hair with a smile. He smiles back. The manager opens the door and yells at us to come inside, that I was going on soon.

"Tomorrow, make no plans. I claim you." Ashley says standing up and pulling me to my feet. I nod with a smile and we walk inside.

After my set with Will I'm sitting back stage. Lauren was side stage watching CC. I dialed Sammi's number. She answered on the second ring. "Hey Belle!" I hear her yell.

"Hey! So, you said to call you if anything happened..."

"Oh my gosh. Are you official? Are you dating? What happened?"

I shake my head with a smile, I'd almost say she was more excited than I was. "We were outside and he kissed me, and told me not to make any plans for tomorrow, that he claimed me."

"That means you're going on a date! I'm so happy for you! Call me afterwords!" I promise her I would, and then went to join Lauren to watch the rest of the guys set. They perform amazingly, like always.

Ashley's POV~

I couldn't get our kiss out of my head while I watched her play with Will. She was a fucking incredible bass player, she truly was. They finished up the set, and the roadies went out to set ours up. Maybe they could get it right this time, I thought with a head shake. I didn't get a chance to see her in between sets anymore though, because fans had demanded she go to merch table along with Will to meet them too. She was getting very popular amongst our fans. I smiled at the thought.

We went on at 8:30, and played the set with yet another technical trouble. This time CC's drums were screwed up and Andy's microphone went out...again. I'm not even joking. We didn't stop for it though, CC got the drums to work, and Andy shared Jinxx's mic. I saw Belle on the side stage watching and gave her a smile before focusing on the rest of the set.


A/N: Again, sorry for the shortness, that's why I uploaded two today. Vote and comment on both and I'll get started on chapter 12, which will be better. I promise.<3

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