19: G R O U P

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Boring chapter ahead.

But I'm sure you'll like the next chapter.


If anyone thought that I was the person who was going to tell anyone that I was going out with Rakshit then the answer was no. Managing this was far worse than I expected it to be but it just went with the flow.

Except for the obvious.

I could not hide it from Divya and Sia. The good point was that they simply congratulated me and supported in my decision, adding to the girl talks we had about him later and their occasional shipping.

Rakshit had been spending the week with his brothers, due to which he could not meet us. Sia and Divya were sensible enough to understand that but who could explain that to a soon to be five year old.

Varun was getting out of control because he couldn't meet Rakshit and now when I was going to make him ready for dinner at their house, he was lying in the pose of a shot man on the bed.

I couldn't see but can feel that his cheeks were inflated, something he was used to doing when angry.

"You're getting up or not?" Throwing his clothes on the bed I kneeled down and rested my chin on the bed, poking his stomach on sides. "Commander! You have an important meeting to attend!"

"Cancel it! I'm not going to his house! He didn't talk to me!" His legs fished up and down like a madman before his little butt rose in the air and his hands caught his head. "Ah so bad!"

"Come on baby, you love your friend and he has invited you for dinner. Don't you want to go?"

"I told you mommy. I'm angry" Kids these days have svere anger issues. Period.

"Varun, don't be so stubborn. Rakshit's brothers had come to him after five years. He had to spend some tike with them too, right?"

"I'm angry and that's all I know" his hands went to either side of his stomach, butt still in the air like a flag for absolutely no reason but fun.

"Baby please, for mommy?" I was literally going to ground him for three hours if he denied.

"That's not fair mommy!" He rose up and filled his mouth with air, looking around himself. "Call him and tell him we are not coming!"

"He's got ice cream for you"

"I'll go but just for you!" He announced before crawling to the clothes I had picked for him and removing his shirt to put on the other on.

"You're gonna stuck again, sweetheart" I sighed at his hand which was telling me that he could do it on his own.

I was still waiting for him to settle with his brothers and tell me exactly when we were going on our date. The mere thinking felt so good that it forced me to slip into imagining what would happen when we would actually go.

But where would he be taking me?

For a dinner, movie or where?

I had forbade him for a coffee shop because it was already on our regular to do list.

For the past few days Rakshit had not come to the cafe, it was alright but I had not seen him much since then. So the level of excitement to meet him today was beyond the clouds. I would-

"Mommy I'm stuck!"

"What did I tell you?" I laughed.


We rang the bell to Rakshit's home. Varun stood beside me, holding my index finger and telling me the ways he will scold Rakshit for ignoring him.

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