Die, Pod!

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"How could I let you convince me to rewire the PA system?" Ethan asked in disbelief. "I'm never rewiring anything for you again."

"Okay, what good is a ghost alarm in school if it isn't insanely loud?" Benny questioned.

"Fire alarm loud is loud enough, Benny," I reasoned.

"How was I supposed to know it was going to blow up the principal's window?" Benny muttered.

"Young lady?" the principal called.

The girl didn't move as Benny scooted one chair over to her.

"You might want to go in. Trust me, you do not want to tick him off," Benny advised.

"Yeah, especially when we have to go in after you," Ethan added.

"We are running out of daylight!" the principal called.

I helped her up since she couldn't seem to hear over her music. I sat down, laying my head on Benny's shoulder.


"That earwax was epic! I'm serious, I couldn't get the earbud out. It was like it yanked it back in," Benny said as I pulled another weed.

"Earwax can't do that, babe," I sighed.

"Hence my unease, but that explains why my charm fell on deaf ears." Benny shrugged.

"Your charm falls on any ears." I rolled my eyes.

"Ouch." Benny feigned being hurt.

"And that's your girlfriend." Ethan smiled at me. "Maybe she just ignored you. You know, like all the other girls do?" Ethan guessed.

"If they're running from you, they're not ignoring you," Benny argued.

"Hey, guys! Getting punished for your ghost alarm thing, huh?" Sarah walked up to us.

"Sarah, can I ask you a question? Do girls have way more earwax than guys? Is it a puberty thing?" Benny questioned.

"Do guys have fewer brain cells or is it just a Benny thing?" Sarah snapped, walking away.

"Well, I mean... It takes a lot more than that..." Benny trailed off. "She didn't even wait for my answer."

"Is it just me or are there a lot more weeds here than usual?" Ethan noticed.

"Maybe they only get pulled when someone gets punished," Benny theorized.

"Or, maybe, you're thinking negatively and not helping me," I added as I pulled another one out.

"Gardening isn't punishment, you three. It is an opportunity." Principal Hicks walked over to us.

"An opportunity for our hands to get dirty and jabbed by thorns?" Ethan questioned.

"No, an opportunity to look within. To banish the weeds inside your soul." Principal Hicks explained.

"There's already a curse on my soul, two curses on my soul. Why should I do anything else to it?" I whispered.

"What you have to do is remove the root, so they'll never grow back again," Principal Hicks continued.

"I really think a spray bottle of Weedageddon'd be easier," Benny reasoned.

"Thanks for telling us this, Principal Hicks, but... Why are you telling us this?" Ethan asked.

"Normal troublemakers clog toilet bowls. You three rewire PAs, break my office windows, talk about space demons. I worry about you." Principal Hicks frowned.

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