Chapter49: The Calm After the Storm

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I'm back. 😓😭
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"You really are crazy aren't you?" Mercury questioned from the couch as she watched the Promiser in front of her slowly sip her tea. "I mean I've heard all the stories about it, but you really are crazy."

"Say that one more time, and we're gonna have a problem." Zy'phon from beside her cracked his knuckles, and hardened his gaze.

"Malayjah calm down your pet or we're gonna have to take it outside." Nowaki sneered at the demon.

"Who are you calling a pet, doggie?" Zy'Phon snapped back at the wolf, with his horns suddenly growing erect.

The Promiser placed a hand upon her Guardian's shoulder,as the witch tugged the side of Nowaki's shirt in an attempt to get them to calm down

"My craziness has nothing to do with my decision." Malayjah sat her cup of tea on the table. "I want you to be the Keeper of the Kraken."

"Let me get this right." Mercury showed her a look, before pointing to herself. "You want the Notorious Kraken Killer to become the keeper? That's fucking insane. The worlds will be in a frenzy after that."

"I really don't care how anyone other than the krakens and you feel about my decision." The Young Promiser shrugged. "They trust you."

"Malayjah I can't be Keeper-It just-"

"I want you to hold the title. I don't need you dwelling in their realm or anything, it'll be completely up to you how they roam. But the Keepers as you know hold a voice for the territory and the Creatures who dwell within.Allow them to roam free in their land, and you in yours. But when the time comes, be they're voice. That's all I'm asking."

"You're crazy."

"Am I?" Malayjah grinned.

"The worlds won't like this- the council won't like this-"

"I could care less. My only concern is about those Kraken and you." Malayjah repeated herself, with that mighty Promiser tone of hers.

"I-" Mercury glanced at Nowaki, before looking back at the Promiser. "I was actually hoping you'd come to me."

"Is that a yes?" Malayjah smiled, holding out her hand to the witch.

"I'll do it."

"Wanna know why I came to you?"

Mercury nodded.

"You're the only one who would choose to give them freedom. Those creatures don't need anyone looming over them giving them instruction. They need a friend."

The Promiser rose from her seat, as her guardian did the same.



"Thanks for everything."

"Anything for my Keeper." The Promiser bowed her head to Mercury, wanting to be the first to do so.


Mercury threw her phone across the room after the two hour long conference call. Her family of course were both panicking and somehow excited all at once. It was similar to how they acted after finding out the witch was mated to a wolf.

"Mercury." Nowaki let out a chuckle as he watched his mate lazily slump against the bed. "It wasn't that bad."

"They're all crazy." She sighed."And I want to get back to the Medical ward, but my grandma won't let me!"

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