Pretty BOY

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Clarity looked into the mirror and at her breasts. Why couldn't she just be a boy? She was straight at the moment, but she knew she wasn't a girl.

She walked down the stairs of her house and down into the kitchen. She walked in and saw her mum there.

"Mum?..." Clarity was scared to speak, but she managed to get something out.

Her mother turned around with a smile on her face, "Yes my beautiful young lady?" Clarity cringed at the name, her mother noticed. "Hey, what's wrong?"

Clarity started off nervous, "I- I wanna be a boy.." she muttered. "I-I wanna go by Clay, could you get me some medicine and a binder?.."

Her mother gasped sharply and Clarity winced. She then heard a squeal and warm arms wrapped around her. "I've always wanted a son! I love you Clay."

Joy overwhelmed Clay's body as tears poured from his eyes. He was never this happy, he was overjoyed.


In what felt like days (but was actually weeks) Clay's mother went to get his hair cut. She ordered him a binder online and bought him the special medication. He was so happy. Then his mum asked him, "Have you told George?"

That question hit Clay as hard as a rock, over break he got everything done and he hasn't even told his bestfriend.

"No.." Clay muttered, she was driving him to school because break was over. He's gotten the medicine and now his voice is deeper than it used to be. He grew a foot taller and he cut his hair. He's completely different now.

"Well, text him right now, let him know. I know George's mum like the back of my hand so if he starts bullying you then I'll have something to say about it."

Clay started tearing up again. "Thanks mum, that means alot to me.." She sighed softly and grabbed his hand.

"Anytime baby boy, I love you." She squeezed his hand in a comforting manner. "Now, text him. Okay?"

"Okay.." He sniffled and pulled out his phone. He went to George's contact and started typing.

In about 3 minutes Clay was sobbing again, his mother looked at him with a worried look on her face. "Son, are you alright?" She was worried but looked closer and Clay had a smile on his face and he was.. hold on, is that blush? Is Clay blushing?!

Clay looked up at his mother with a smile, "He accepts me.." She sighed and her face relaxed.

"Don't cry like that Clay, that scared me.." She let out a breath and drove Clay to school.


Clay's POV


"CLAYYYYYY" Clay heard someone say his name, but nobody knows it besides....

"GEORGE!!" Clay turned around just in time for George to squeeze him.

Clay blushed again. Clay then patted Georges head and chuckled. 'I love you..' Clay sighed. He could only think of the things he wished he could tell him..

"Clayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, you zoned out againnnn" George looked up at Clay and Clay looked down at George. Clay was about to respond to George when he noticed how close they were.

Their noses were touching and their lips were centimeters apart. Clay noticbly blushed but didn't pull anyway

George was the one to pull away first. George pulled up the hood of his navy blue hoodie and hid his face. Clay noticed this and smirked.

"Awhh Georgie flustered already? I just wanna play..~" Clay whined, pouting a fake pout. George uncovered his face and huffed.

"I'm not flustered, you just have a big ego." He retorted. Clay gasped an offended gasp and put his hand on his heart dramatically.

"You pain me Gogy." He whined as he whiped a nonexistent tear from his eye.

George just rolled his eyes with a soft smile. "You're so dramatic."

Just then, the bell rang for class. George pouted and Clay 'cried' but they went their seperate ways.


Yes.. It's that time.. And yes I'm gonna pain you. Ya'll wanna part 2? If anything I'll work on this part 2 before the other one lol

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