Where is my Daughter Ozai?

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A/N: Well hello there hum so here is Angry Aritho AND Ursa😄 Also sorry for any errors in the chapiter.

Ursa POV
I walk to the door of my younger child's room to wake her up 'cause she wasn't there for breakfast and lunch. In fact nobody has seen her this morning which is strange because she like attention. And she never miss her bending practices. So if she was up i wonder where she could be now. Arriving at the door of my daughter I knocked softly on it. No response. She is normaly awake at this time of the day. So I open the door softly and peek inside to find something frightening. what looks like a young tiger knock out at the wall apparently burnt on the side of the head. As well as an empty bed nod done. As if the servants did not enter the room since the morning and that Azula was still in bed at that hour. My breathing quicken in fear and I begin to search for my daughter frenetically My panic increased when I could not find her. She wasn't in any of the rooms of her chambers. Nor the library. Or the bending training grounds. So i run to the room of Aritho slamming the door open. Zuko, Lu Ten and Aritho are on the bed talking. Oyan the tiger of Aritho laying on the ground in front of me looking at me worried.  Aritho stand up and walks up to me head tilt on the side. I begin to ramble about the situation and I'm pretty sure that she can't understand what i am saying. Like to confirm what i think Zuko say.

"Mom slow down we can't get what you are saying." Aritho on the other hand seems to be thinking. After sometime She passed me and runs to Azula' room. fallowing her and Oyan seems impossible by how fast they are going. When we arrive at the room i try to catch my breath but apparently Aritho is way more in shape 'cause she does not stop and continue by searching everywhere. Lastly she approche the
thing i guess is a tiger, and shake it awake. The
thing opens it eyes. The look of it is really intimidating and captivating like flames. The beast stands with a groan and turn like to find an opponent but to find that whatever it was fighting it's gone. Oyan and the other tiger looks like they are talking. Aritho' voice breaks the silence.

"Ozai,.. His energy is all around this little one." pointign at the tiger that been beat up. my eyes widen in fear. What have you done to my daughter Ozai. With a silent nod in my direction the blind girl began to walk to the exit of the room. The two beast walk each sides of my friend.

Time skip to the dinner

I enter the room hoping to find my daughter seated with her father like after a long day, but she litteraly vanished from the palace even the servants don't know where she is. I just hope we can find her fast. From what Aritho said she would be with her father but clearly not. the man in question is seated at the table and is siping tea like nothing is wrong when his favorite child is missing, something is not right. Ozai aknolege zuko' and i presence by a look in our direction. Then by a grin he says.

"Ursa, I was wondering where you were. Azula and her new fire bending teacher went a little away in a feild trip for seeing all the good our nation is giving to the others." his face do not change the slightess. I look at him septikaly. Zuko grumble.

"I never went in that kind of trip. Only Azula is aloud." luckly I seem beign the only to ear him.

"So you choose to tell me now! I was howfuly worried!" My voice bang like the thunder in the room. His response is not what I exepted.

"OH, Yes that it blame it on me. I was searching you for tellign you this. AND don't pretend like you care enyways all you care is this failiure of son."

"Well yes I care for Zuko but I also care about Azula. They are my children and I care about both of them!" My voice wavering in the sentence. enlassing my arms aroud zuko and pulling him really close afraid that if i let him go he would get hurt. After this event we eat. There is a lot of tension in the air and i'm still not totally sure if what Ozai said is true. Actually no i am pretty sure that it is a lie.

time skip to later that night.

Aritho POV

I heard it the sream of the little one but i can't feel her and i'm not at rest, The worst fact is that she is probably been confined by her own father and he knows that when the tigers imprint on someone they are gonna fight until been knock out for protecting the person they inpint on. It's late at night but i know for a fact that Ozai is not asleep. The light vibration in the earth of a fire bender. Ozai had found me. And I can feel this wont end well. I am already mad that he locked the little one away from me but I knew it was just a matter of time. I just was not expecting it to be so soon and I hate myself for not being there and that Nalian had to deel with him alone. Poor girl.

"Aritho, I know that you know where is Azula but I will ask you to stay away. she has a great destiny but wont be able to focus if there is always a distraction. lastly what is the thing I found in her room this morning. some kind of tiger. she is not advenced enough to have this animal!" his voice was threathenig in the beginnig but now he is just asking a stupid question 'cause he knows that Azula is even more advence that eny child of this age.

"Well, Ozai your daughter found this tiger by herself and it has agreed to teach her what it knows. And for the not advenced enough bullshit well. she is really more advenced then you were at her age." The subtil insult did not pass well. But before he strikes I say.

"Are you sure of what you are doing?" He perfecly knows that i'm way more powerful then him so attacking me would be a stupid decision but then again did he ever back of not until... Well today apparently. A sigh leaves my lips if I did not have selfcontrol he would probably be dead.instead I went to the dummy and began stike at them whitout any once of mercy. the sweat was now familiar and pleasant feeling. when I went to sleep that night I dreamed of somethign unusal. Aang. I miss him he would have found the solution.

Not one that would've worked right away, but a solution nonetheless. Most of his solution followed the air nomads principes whereas mine were closer to mass murder. I really want to go get the little one down there... How though that is the whole problem. But i might have an idea to prevent such things to happen too much again.

I will have to fight for it probably though. I just have to talk to Azulon and it will be fine. At least i hope.

A/N Hey I know you probably wanted Aritho to burn a little Ozai but just wait a little it's comming and I'm eager to give this satisfaction.have a good day/night

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