Father doesn't like her

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A/N: Tw: rape
Not edited. 

Nobody's POV

It had been about two weeks since the departure of Mai for Omashu and six since Ty Lee had ran away with some circus. Aritho had just returned herself from the earth kingdom. She had to deal with some issues with some bigger colonies that had been more rebellious for the past month. It hadn't taken long for the fire bender to come to a conclusion that everyone were fine with. She had dealt with the particular colonie more than once. But all of these departures had left an opening for Ozai to take control back for a while the training of the princess. He had known somehow that his daughter had seen her friends alone. To anyone it might not seem too bad, but to him it meant that she judged them more important than her obligations as princess. Plus he had the free game, Aritho had just left. He could do as he wanted. Sure he probably knew that he would have to face the repercussions with Aritho once she knew but how long would it take for her to know. For all he knew she wasn't all knowing and if he forced his daughter in the silence Aritho would never know.

Azula's POV

How many days i've been down here? I don't really know or even want to know. It's not like it matters anyway. The days blend in together, i haven't gotten more than a hour of sleep since i've arrived. I think that father believes that since i'm older i can take more than i could before. I didn't exactly wanted to test the theory, father seemed to have a different perspective. All of this because i said bye to my friends. I can't believe that he found out, i had been extra careful that day. I had went all the way to being alone and in a humiliating disguise. Nalian had stayed back at the palace. Plus i had been back exactly on time to my duties. It's my fault i should have been more careful. I shouldn't have gone to see them.

How can silence be so loud? It feels as if i'm in a room full of noise, but i'm alone in a completely silent and dark room. Not even a gleam of light can be seen. My cuffs are keeping my arms from being in front of me, and the strange kind of metal is keeping me from bending. I have tried to meditated as Aritho taught me to try and join her but i can't seem to focus enough. It sounds strange since i have nothing else to do. But something keeps me from focusing on the spiritual energy. It might be because of how deep we are. Nothing can reach us here, not even the spirits stuck in the palace can.  I'm all alone, i'll always be. Everyone leaves me. Even my friends. Why did i have to be this way, why couldn't i just push them away.

Because you're weak.

A voice said from behind me, I quickly turned my head trying to see through the darkness. I couldn't perceive anything, there wasn't enough light to see. I tried to produce fire but only resulted in a burn on my wrist. I have no way of getting out of here. I don't know when they will pull me out ,but regarding on the behavior of my captors last time, it will not mean that i'm out of here. Only that new pain is preparing. And that nothing will be able to mae it go away, except the early arrival of Aritho. She did say that she would protect me at all costs. But i am not sure if i believe that. A lot of people has said that, but they went away.

You know why, it is because you're a monster. A sweet voice rang behind me, from the other side. This one i knew who it was, i didn't need to look. Mother? But she had gone away. She had gona away because of me, everyone hoes away because of me.

Yes, no one can love you. But i will always love you, because i'm your mother.

I Love You Azula I Do. No, No one loves me, they all go away or hurt me. Am I simply not enough? I can be perfect, I will be perfect. Then, maybe then i will be important to someone.

~Time skip~

At last a gleam of light entered the darkness of the room i was kept in. Only a small line of flickering light but it was a relieving sight. On the other hand it could also mean that i was going to go 'training'. As they called it. But surprisingly only one guard entered the room, it is strange. Usually there's at least two of them. I slide back as much as my cuffs let me, but it doesn't really make much difference. I was simply stuck between this guard and the wall. One of the first thing that we learn in self defence is to avoid being stuck in a corner and now here i am very much going against that. But it's not like i have any choice. I am defenceless. I knew i had to keep a levelled mind because if i lost that it would be truly over for me. It is probably some kind of test, i have been too nice. He began to close the door once again leaving us in darkness. I tried desperately to light up a flame to see better where he was. But it only burnt me again. I couldn't see him, and only a small ruffle of clothes was being heard. A clank of metal was heard ten second after, like he was removing his armour.

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