Drill goes boom

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A/N: There is a bunch of off putting things during this chapter, such as panic attacks and hallucinations.
Italics: Voices
Underlined Italics: Dragons (Nalian and Oyan )

Azula POV

We dragged back to the camp the other group. Well the animals dragged them. We had attached them all with ropes and then attached the rope to the saddle of the moungoust-lion. They had woken up and were now dragging their feet in defeat behind mai and Ty lee. We needed to question their leader before departing from our position of camp. I assume that Aritho and Kura are already back and probably had some ideas regarding the next step to take. The suggestion of Ba Sing se sounds like a good idea. We need a good plan if we want to get through the walls of the city, the first wall is manageable but the main problem will be the second wall to the inside city and then the third and last wall to get to the high class residences. And i suppose that the palace must also have some reinforcements. From what Aritho explained about the city it won't be easy to catch the avatar if he gets inside the city. We must catch him before he enters or we will have to be very carful at the dispatch of the troops. Soon we crossed the first guards that stood outside the camp we had chose to stay. They Bowed to us and gave dirty look at the prisoners i brought back. As i expected Aritho stood among other high ranked officers.

"Took you long enough, i was going to organize a search party." Aritho laughed as we moved further inside the camp. I rolled my eyes at her and stepped down.

"Bring the prisoners to the cages, And bring this one," I gesture towards the leader," To My tent." Five guards took care of executing my orders, Aritho stood in front of me making no movement whatsoever like she was waiting for something. I approached her, stopping beside her.


"You knew they were there, Why didn't you tell us anything?" I asked falling into place beside her, my arm throbbing beneath the protection, I had focused solely on bringing our new prisoners in i didn't fight as smartly as i should've. The injury caused by that water peasant was back and it made my arm numb beneath the cover of the wrist guard. I kept my cool, acting as if nothing had happened. She can read me too well i need to focus on the task at hand and it won't show.

"I didn't want to spoil your fun." She replied, taking my hand in hers and lifting it up. Damn it She noticed. I pulled back my hand swiftly. I don't need her to worry about me. I don't want it.

You don't deserve it! You must be strong. You don't have any weaknesses.

I shook my head trying to shoo away the voice. But to no avail

I will always find you! You can't block me! I am ——
The voice slurred and stopped and Aritho placed her hand on my shoulder. I looked up to her the world blurring back into place. I can't make sense of these strange voices. It is never the same voice and the things they say change as well. It's like i have an entire room full of people shouting at me. Quite displeasing i might say, and by agni is it annoying. I can only tune them out when Aritho is close enough, It's like they're scared of her. I can't make much sense out of it.

"You Ok there tiger?" Aritho whispered softly, I nodded before turning around. I have to get this over with. I walked to the entrance of my tent i could feel that Aritho was worried but i'm not sure i deserve her kindness.

You know you don't! You are a murderer. No one could or should show you any kindness. You aren't worth it.

I took a deep breath Pushing whatever this was beneath the surface so low it was almost impossible to notice. I am perfection, i am cold, i am the perfect princess and will make my whole nation proud. I pushed the fabric that made up the door to the main room of the tent. In the middle stood two guards and kneeling on between the two was the beaten up warrior. She held my gaze as i looked at her. Determination and hatred, that was the two emotions she showed, But i could also see that she was trying to get out of her bounds like any of us would if we were in the same position as her.

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