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A/N:This chapter gives an insight in the story of Aritho as well as pushing further the mental toll the war had on her. Azula gets the hug she deserves and more emotions follows.

Aritho's POV

My eyes fluttered open, pulling me out of my sleep. The pressure of Kura's head seemed to bring me back to sleep but i could feel that something was wrong. I dislodged myself from my girlfriend's hold and got out of the bed. I made sure to tuck her back in and delicately put her head on the pillow. Since I was rather decently dressed, i opened the door and got out of the room. I focused on my surroundings and found what was off. Azula was on the balcony alone, Nalian was still inside her room. As i passed the rooms of the other girls in the house i was glad to feel that they were asleep. If not it could've made Azula close off. I also made sure that Oyan was still sleeping, which she was. These beasts are always sleeping it's phenomenal. I pushed open the door to the balcony and knocked two times on the hard wood to make sure that Azula knew i was there. She turned her head in my direction but turned away to let her gaze cover the surroundings of the house. I took a deeper breath to make sure we were safe enough to talk. Only two Dai Lee agents were on the roof of the house we can talk safely enough. Plus i'm more than sure that they are still loyal to Long Feng, they wouldn't take the news to the king that the Kyoshi warriors aren't really the Kyoshi warriors.

"Trouble finding sleep princess?" I asked as i walked the three steps it took to get to the railing of the balcony.

"Keep my title out of your mouth the time we're here!" She whispered-shouted. "We never know who could be listening." She added with a suspicious look around us. I hummed pensively and leaned on the railing the wood digging a little bit in my forearms as i leaned forward on them.

"Nightmares?" I inquired vaguely, she bit the inside of her cheek and nodded once. In an almost imperceptible movement. She was more guarded around me than usual. I sighed and righted myself back to my full height.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I questioned, tilting my head in her direction. She shook her head and leaned more heavily on her forearms on the railing, the muscles in her shoulder were all tensed, like she was ready to snap. Her fingers fidgeted on the em of her sleeves.

"Alright, then let me make you some tea." She muttered something under her breath.

"What was that?"

"Nothing," She chuckled softly and rested her head on her forearms, shoulders shaking in laughter.

"Very well, get inside now." I replied, she past the door and i closed it after her. We walked to the kitchen where the kettle rested atop the counter. I poured water in the recipient and placed it on the fire i had lit with the fire stone. As the water boiled i rummaged trough the cupboards to find the tea.

As i prepared the arrangement of leaves to make the right tea Azula sat down on one of the cushions by the table. She leaned on her hand with her elbow resting on the table. She was looking out of the window pensively. When the water finished boiling I poured the water to the teapot ,added the leaves and I poured the tea in both cups and made my way to the table. I placed a small cloth where the teapot would be and placed a cup in front of the princess. I then placed the teapot and sat down beside the little tiger. After a couple of sips she asked.

"Do you think i'm a monster?" She said it so softly that i thought for a second that i hallucinated it. I paused before my cup touched my lips. I set it down on the table and turned to her. Giving her my full attention.

"What brought this up, little tiger?" I asked, a little bit harsher than i intended. She looked away and shook her head dismissively. I took a breather and closed my eyes.

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