Boat ride

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A/N: Hello everyone, I hope you will like this chapter. As usual don't forget to vote and comment, It helps greatly with my motivation.

Azula's POV

I placed my bag down on the bed, more like cot truly, of my cabin. We had boarded the ship twenty minutes ago and parted way to go settle in our respective cabin. The window of the cabin let through the rays of sunshine heating the temperature of the cabin. On the opposite side of the cabin was a wooden desk where a parchment laid, ready to be written should i chose to. Reminding me painfully that i had to do my report to father and announce my conquest of the biggest city of the earth kingdom. Beside the parchment was a ink brush and my ink holder. placed hazardously behind the paper were some of my books, the ones treating of war strategies and war battles mainly. My other books were nowhere to be found though. The ones that were about things else than war and political things.

Someone went through my thing.

Who would...

Such a foolish girl

letting your guard down like that.

No! Not again, leave me alone!

Ho but we can't,

We are you

You can't run from us.

I shook my head and focused more on my breathing. I managed to clear my head enough for the moment although the small voices stayed in the back of my head. But at least now i could think almost clearly again.

Now who would go through my things, usually it was my servants but they are still in the palace so it can't be them. So Who?

Lo and Lee! That was the most plausible answer, they both have total access to my room and to my things. I had done two steps towards the door before stopping myself. I couldn't risk confronting them and thus going against father' wishes. If they searched my through my books it also means they searched trough my other things. I quickly made a point to check if all of my other things were at their place. All of my clothes had remained untouched, not folded like i would've liked but they hadn't been taken. But many of my hidden weapons were removed from my cabin. Luckily the ones that were hidden in my theatre outfit were still intact. I made sure to place this particular clothing far in the back of the wardrobe that was furnished in the cabin. I place a faux bottom in front of it to keep it from being discovered.

Once that was done i changed out of my earth kingdom clothes and went back into my royal armour. The familiar weight of the plates being put on my shoulders and torso calmed me down. The servant that tied the many laces of the armour always kept her gaze down on the ground when she didn't look at the laces. Once all the laces were tied together she bowed deeply and exited the cabin walking backwards. I exited the cabin as well after reorganizing my desk the way I always do. Placing each book in its rightful place and spreading the parchment once again with the holding stones was very much satisfying.   As i exited the room i closed the door and left towards the deck.

Outside the soft light of the evening sun shone down on the metal of the deck. The fresh and salty air of the sea whipped at my face. Further down the deck, Aritho stood with Zuko, Mai and Ty Lee. Aritho was the first to notice me and gestured for me to go join them. I hurried their way and stopped beside Aritho.

You're So pathetic

Relying on this foolish general

I'm sure she wouldn't even notice if you just disappeared...

No-one would notice...

Not her

Not your Friend...

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