Les Misérables

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A/N: I recommend listening to the "Staged concert of LES MISÉRABLES for this chapter. Star once i will indicate it. It will be written in Bold letters

Azula's POV

The sun was slowly setting and yet nobody at the door. We were all ready since the visit of Osly. currently playing Pai Sho against Mai, we had previously played with some dice i had found during my exploration of the place. As i was going to place the winning move for the third time this afternoon a knock on the door stopped me. Ty lee sprang from where she was resting on a cushion beside us walking briskly to the door. She opened and greeted  our visitor. Kòhyan entered in the room after our acrobat. I placed the final blow to my friend with a small smile.

"I still don't get your strategy.." Admitted Mai as she stood up from her spot in front of the table.

"You'll get it one day." I assured her in return standing up. We made our way to the front of the house, Kòhyan waiting for us with Ty Lee, it was very clear who had designed his out fit. His green robes varying in shade from forest green to emerald passing by turquoise. He also had some discreet silver earrings attached to his right ear. Five to be exact. He had a slight highlight of make up, as well as some lipstick.

"Aaah! I see Osly did a great job on you two too." He smiled warmly as we got closer, he was just i had remembered him. Bulk shoulder and arms, even though hidden by the robes it was clear, His  short light brown hair was placed in some kind of wave in the front. His beard was neatly trimmed in the usual earth kingdom style. "How are you the little tiger?" He asked stepping closer to me and we bowed our head in respect to one another.

"I'm well, my friend and I have just arrived in the city and we wanted to see how the life here was." I replied, readjusting my pouch on the side of my belt the coins inside clinking against one another. He nodded and smiled

"Well i'm glad you thought of me to introduce you to our beautiful city." He said in somewhat a posh kind of accent. Like some of the vendors of Caldera do when selling their goods. I raised an sceptical eyebrow at him. "Now ladies i must tell you that the theatre is a good ten minutes carriage ride." He added now back to a more serious tone.

"That's Ok, we aren't rushed are we?" I questioned looking out the door, two shadows lurking almost unnoticed in the darkness.

"Of course not but we should depart soon to be in our places once the play begins." Assessed Kòhyan turning to the door that he kept open with his left hand. He then gestured to us to get through, we walked out in the fresh air of the evening. The door clicked shut as Kòhyan let it go and the earth citizen began to walk down the three stairs of the porch. Gesturing for us to follow him. We walked after him to the carriage of which the driver had stepped down and opened the door for us. The two ostrichorse were beating the ground with their feet. impatient to get going. We got inside the carriage and the driver closed the door once we all got seated in the comfortable cushion seats. The vehicle shuddered a little bit as it began to roll forward but it was admittedly a calm ride. The sun was slowly moving down behind the wall far from where we were travelling. Soon enough the venue came into view. The theatre was horned of gold and green as everything in this city. The colors amplified by the lighting of the sun that was slowly setting over to the horizon. When the carriage stopped the theatre came into view. Six collums held up the front of the building, there in big bold letters was written:

'Les Misérables'

Underneath it many people pressed against each other in an attempt to get inside the theatre quicker. However there was also two very distinctive lines, one leading to the left door and one leading to the right door. Ushers ran through the sea of people trying desperately to find these who there were assigned to.

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