Training In the morning

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A/N: Hello, it's been a while. I hope you will enjoy this chapter. As usual don't forget to vote and comment, it really helps with my motivation. Now onto the chapter.

Azula's POV

After the revelation of yesterday Aritho took me on a very long walk where she explained a little bit more on her journey to control her abilities. She mainly had a lot of help from her mentor and teacher from the air temples. Of which i only just learned his name. Before she simply referred him as her mentor in the monastery. His name was Gyatso, according to her, he was one of the high ranking Air nomad and also defended the younger generation from the assault of the Fire Nation. He had held his ground until my great grandfather fought against him. He had managed to defeat at least twenty soldiers before Sozin entered the room. He had tried to fight against it but Sozin' fire was too strong and burned him alive. It also burned all of the youth that was being protected by the monk.

This morning I was awaken by Aik' antics. He had spent his night going around the room and making sounds until i shot a fire ball in his direction. He grumbled for the rest of the time I was awake. I finally found sleep but was awaken by a sudden object being thrown in my direction. I caught it before it landed on my face, and sat up he was standing upside down on the ceiling and had a shit eating grin on his face.

"Wakey, Wakey princess." He giggled dropping from his spot. I sighed and pushed away the covers knowing full well that he wouldn't let me sleep anymore. I got out of bed and left to go in my bathroom, i washed my face and went back in my room to go get my training clothes. I pulled them on and did my makeup. I quickly did my hair in its usual hairstyle and topped it with my crown. Aik kept on messing with my things around the room. Some of them passing trough his body others didn't, ended shattered on the ground. He only stopped after a glass bottle fell on the ground and shattered on the ground spilling its content on the floor.


His ashes I cleaned after burning him.

Now scattered on the floor.

He froze when he realized what he did, his head turning in my direction slowly. I clenched my jaw and pulled out a small broom as well as an dustpan. I brushed his ashes in the dustpan and poured it carefully in another vase i had hidden behind a pile of overgrown clothes in the back of my walk in closet. Once done I hurried out of the room, Nalian hot on my heels. Behind me Aik shouted for me to stop and listen to him but I didn't want to.

I was going to be late to training otherwise. Even though the sun wasn't close to being out I knew Aritho would deem late anyone that would arrive at daybreak. Although it was what she ordered. I hurriedly made my way to the training grounds outside of the caldera. It was close to being empty, some of the older soldiers were already there. Some leaning on trees and benches to try and catch a few more minutes of sleep. I didn't even try to do the same. I simply started my usual warm up. I would not run right away, I knew that aritho would make us run at least twice the perimeter of Caldera. I fell into a rhythm and did every single Kata i knew by heart, doing them three times each. Even if i did them in a relaxed state i was dripping with sweat in the end. I knew that now that i was going i couldn't stop before a long while. So i continued with the techniques Aritho had rectified a little while ago.

In the end i decided i was simply going to do them in the air. Since that night on the ship where i learned i could actually fly on my own i tried to use this new technique as much as i could. Blue fire erupted from my clenched fist and as my feet raised off the ground they also shot their own fire. Once i was at a reasonable height i started my sets once again. Fire erupting twice as strongly now that the adrenaline or falling was pumped around in my body. Each time i felt that i was slowly making my way down i sent another jet of fire down to keep me up.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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