Bison and green wierdos

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A/N: unedited.
Aritho's POV

When we got back from the abandoned town, Mai and Ty Lee were drying their damp clothes. Kura was sitting quietly on a big boulder, a tea pot resting on a platter along with some cups.

"Welcome back you two." Kura greeted us as we sat down on the grass. Azula removed her right wrist guard, wincing as it slid off her arm. She liffed up her sleeve to reveal a big bruise. She muttered some curses under her breath. Hiding the injury beneath her sleeve. "Want any tea, i made your favorite." Kura said as she poured two cups of the hot liquid. I smiled and took the cup she handed me.

"I see that you weren't very successful with your mission." Azula said as she turned to Mai and Ty Lee. Ignoring completly the offer of Kura. Not that she seemed to mind.

"Well actually we were doing very well, until the bison got up and pushed us in the water." Replied Ty lee, taking her hair out of the braid it was in.

"Didn't you say that it wouldn't attack?" Questioned azula, turning to me.

"Well, no. Actually it would make sense that if he felt threatened he attacked. He's still an animal." I replied, the bisons are very protective of their peers so if his friemds were in a bad situation he would help them out of said situation. 

"I suppose it makes sense. He was also protecting his friends, it could explain the sudden outburst." Nodded Azula as she began to pace in front of us.

"Now what do we do?" questionned mai. All head turned to Azula.

"We continue to chase the avatars bison it will not stop shedding before a week or two so we will have to find a new strategy before then but we should be able to catch up with them soon enough." She declared as she continued to pace around. 

"weren't we supposed to be chasing Zuko and your uncle?" Asked Ty Lee.

"Well yes but if we get to the avatar Zuzu and Uncle are going to be close since they're also trying to capture the avatar. So if we get to the avatar we get to Zuzu. Simple as that." yes of couse simple, all we gotta do is catch them before they get to ba sing se, or that dang desert. Although a little trip to a certain library could be fun i haven't talked with the old howl in a while. and he always had good recomendations on books. "Aritho where do you think they're going to go from now?" Azula turned to me, i simply shrugged.

"Where would you go if the earth kingdom was falling and you had important information to deliver?" I questionned instead of answering directly. She sighed in annoyance with my lack of clear responce but thought it trough.

"Ba Sing Se defenetly. It's the most secure city and where the king lives. Plus it would be free of the fire nation since none of us have broke through it's walls." She answered before smirking. "we are going back to the camp i need to send some orders to the troups around Ba Sing se." She declared as she stopped in her tracks. Nalian got back on her feet and Oyan shook off some dust from her fur.

"Uhmm, yeah..."

"what is it Ty le- Oh right, we will wait that your clothes are not too damp and we will go back to camp."

"thanks." Ty lee smiled and laid back down in the soft grass. I took the tea pot from Kura's side and pourred myself another cup of tea. bringing the cup to my lips and took a long sip on the hot brew.   Azula walked away from us and began to go through her katas and favorite techniques. I kept a small part of my attention on her, the rest went over our surroundings and potential threats. I of course knew that Azula was doing the same thing, it was clear. Her attention kept getting caught by a small sound of the forest around us.

"Tiger, come here please." I said after she got distracted yet again by some bird taking flight between the branches of the trees in front of us. She turned around and walked over to where Kura and I sat. I patted the ground in front of me. She sat down, knees to her chest. I lowered myself down on the ground, bending the earth beneath me to go back down. mirroring her posture I slightly leaned back placing my left hand on the ground, sensing the movement of the earth beneath us. "Describe the sky for me." I requested turning my head to the sky over us. My shoulders relaxed as she began her description of the sky above us.

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