Old folks

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A/N: Anther one, although This one is much shorter.

Aritho's POV

I hurried down a path leading to the underground city of Ba Sing Se. Air currents lead me to a bigger room where a large fountain as well as some smaller pools of water were scattered around the space. Six large rock pillars held the roof of the room and there was five exits. The one on my right lead to where Zuko and that water bender where being kept. Only then had i realized i didn't even knew her name. I brushed off the thought and made my way to the biggest pillar. Peaking out of the rock were rock candies crystals. I took a piece of it and bit into the hard surface of the natural candy. The sweet taste invaded my taste buds, was it a good decision to eat this sort of food before an fight. Perhaps not, but it was tasty, so i didn't care. In the meanwhile , i kept an ear on my surroundings. I was in the middle of the room and anyone who would enter would inevitably see me. I went and sat down in one of the cold pool of water letting the flow of the liquid relax my tense muscles. I bent five small boulders out of the ground around me to keep me hidden should anyone enter the place.

Sure enough Iroh and Aang bursted inside the room from a path they created with earth bending. They left quickly towards the path of the prison. They were so focused on their conversation that they didn't see me. After both of them departed the dozen of Dai Lee agents as well as Azula strolled in. They as well, left trough to get to the improvised prison. Inside there wasn't much struggle only a small use of earthbending. Two figures were running back to the gallery i hid in. Aang and the water bender ran into the room.

"We gotta find Sokka and toph!" Called out the water bender looking back at Aang. Just as they were going to enter another set of tunnels Azula entered and shot a fire ball at them. Aang lifted a rock wall from the ground. It blocked the blow but the after shock pushed them away on their butt'. Recovering quickly the water bender ran on the side of the half blown rock wall and bent the water from the canal. She created a large whip of water and made severals attacks on the princess. All of which were blocked. She ended her series of attacks in a large column of water. Azula evaporated the water making a cover of smoke. Confusing effectively her opponents, she ran up a large crystal that peeked out of the ground. Just as they caught sight of her once again she had attacked twice. They blocked only barely with water from the canal right beside them. In the meantime azula landed on a column of the room, eyeing her opponents to see their reaction. But her moment of rest was cut short when Aang pulled on the rocks she had perched herself on. They began to fall of the column and forced Azula to leap in the air. She leaped up and over both of them landing in the middle of them. I could feel her stance tensing up, she lifted both of her arms and took en joue both of her opponents.

Just as i felt I should intervene another figure entered the place. A large fire ball landed right beside Azula. Bringing the attention of all present to the newcomer. Zuko stood there in his firebending stance. For a moment i thought that he would have turned against his sister but it seemed like whatever she said to him worked because he set his eyes on Aang and made his decision. With an angry grunt he sent a repetition of fire ball straight at him. Azula, relieved of her outnumbered state turned to the water bender and attacked her. It was in theses kinds of fights that i had realized that she lacked some techniques to use against waterbenders. I would have to teach her some of their techniques to trow them off.

Zuko didn't seem to be doing much better. He had just gotten blown away by an air figure bent by aang. He landed on his back but had to recover quickly because Aang had leaped in the air and was aiming straight for his head. The scarred boy dodged on the side and got back on his feet, unfortunately for him air head was already on the ceiling. On the bright side he could still catch him with fire balls.
Aaaand he missed every single shot...
Yep, now that's talent...

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