She Is back !

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A/N: Sorry for any mistakes not edited .

Azula POV

I'm shaking of exaustion my muscles ache horribly but father said I can't stop until my form is perfect. Each time there is a small issue either my fire isn't strong enough to his liking, or my feet aren't perfectly in the position they should be. Whe have been doing this same thing for three hours straight. Not a single break, well for me at least. He is just sitting on a chair watching me and my other teacher is standing beside me correcting me and hitting me if i was making any mistake. My brain was completely in the fog, i could barely stand. But father keeps screaming at me and tell me to do it again. I can't do it my arms and legs are not responding anymore and the consant screaming of father and my teacher is not helping the growing headache i have. so in a small voice I ask. well try to ask.

"C.....Can I j...just drink ..s..some water..... p..please?" I feal all wobby and if Nalian was not there I would probably had fell many times now. But as the harsh respond of the teacher and father slowly fades aways. Nalian nose catch me before i fell on the floor my entire body dripping with sweat. my vision went dark for a slip of seconds and brought back way to soon by A even louder shout then the one I've been enduring for the last months of Aritho' mission. She is supposed to be back soon tought. Suddenly a roar echoed in the room and it wasn't Nalian. My head spin and my legs give out. Two familiar arms caches me before i touch the ground and I feel it pull me on a furry back and some really loud shouting. The voice was familiar but I could not point my finger on who it was. my mind is all foggy. I barely remember what happened next all I know is that i was brought back at my room. And a voice bring me to sleep by a song i never heard before.

Aritho POV

Once I arrived at the palace I heard shouting in the training room the energy of Azula was not really clear but I knew why and so I started to run towards the princess. As I enter the room I can feel Nalian keeping Azula from collapsing on the ground and I ear the constant shouting of Ozai and this stupid teacher. I get to Azula's shaking form and shout at her teacher to stop and earth bend to keep him and Ozai still. I bring back the almost unconscious little one to her room where i put her on the bed let Nalian in afterwards Oyan close the door. I sigh and sing quietly to her the new song i wrote on the boat back to the palace.

At the end of it the tigers and Azula were asleep. I leave the room to go to the two drok that were training my protege. Like ok it's the fire lord and a fire bending teacher one of the best for the angy boys but thats not what Azula needs. And if this was how she was treated during my mission I am really gonna burn something. Arriving at the training room I let go the two prisoner of the earth. Ozai got on his feet and shoot fire at me i easily block it before shooting some of my green fire at them burning the fabric of the royal robes of the fire lord.  He still is shooting at me and pretty stupidly i might add. Even if it was some new moves he can't even get close to burn me. I get bored after a while of useless and stupid fighting. So i get closer and closer and once he is close enough i chi block him. Striking fast and precise letting him fall into the ground. After this i sigh.

" Yeah, You better stop trying to beat me it's never gonna happen." Then turn my heels and get out of the room i hate the most in this palace. After the cells but I never go there. unless im forced to. going back to the bedroom of the princess. She is still asleep and will probably be for some hours by how exhausted
she looks. I take a deep breath and search for any bad injury. nothing to bad but she definitely needs some relax days this week. going to the desk i can sense a bird coming at the window. Probably a messenger hawk. Not
paying attention to the little furry feeling on my legs. My hand went to the head of Oyan and scratched her scalp. sitting at the desk i begin read the news i get from one important informator. Iroh. Apparently Zuko is doing better but still need to work on his method of fire bending. I let myself relax a little a thing that i don't normally do. I know if Ozai try something i will be able to stop him but i don't want to let the little one alone again by how it ended this time. Maybe i should ask Mai and Ty Lee to come to the palace for some time. A small shuffling sound behind me took me out of my thoughts. Some small foot print come my way and a small voice say.

"You're back!" A yawn coming right after. What a cutie. Instead of replying i open my arms for her to come in a hug. She rushes in them and clinge  on me like i'm a life line. Drawing shapes on her back i whisper.

"Yeah. And I don't plan on going back soon don't worry."  ...

A/N: Hey guys sorry for the slower update. I need to focus on school a little more. Hope you liked this chapter.  ha also Aritho can't read she is feeling the ink on the parchment. Take care and have a good day/night.

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