Quartet of unified will vs hero killer

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After that eventful last night discussion on strategies of teaching, I was sitting on the couch reading news about the hero killer doings while gran Torino coming out of the kitchen holding a plate of taiyaki

Gran Torino : good job with yesterday's night work, what are you reading.

Y/N : well no surprise from me but I read it as it's more tasty than my home worlds  news. Well it's for the hero killer, Lida from our class decided to join manuals agency as it is stated in Hosu city because of he wants to defeat the hero killer for vengeance. Well I can already tell he is already going to get killed. You are also going to make us go to hosu on a learning trip aren't you?

Gran Torino : yup we are taking a taxi there this after noon but you and midoriya have my permission to engage In combat with the hero killer, just don't get killed.

Y/N : sure thing

Gran Torino : midoriya time to go on a excursion to hosu city. Before that let's spar another time. Y/N go done another set of armour and bring the microwave out of the house, please do not lecture me on how you went to your workplace by going uphill both ways again.

Y/N : sure

I proceeded to unplug the microwave as I move it out of the house. As I returned back to the house I saw a delivery guy holding a box.

Delivery guy : hello a microwave for gran Torino.

Y/N : *the hell he needs two microwaves for* I'll sign for him give me that.

After I sign the box I carried the box into the house as I proceeded to question gran Torino while he was fighting midoriya.

Y/N : Old man why the hell you need two microwaves for.

Gran Torino blinked in confusion before realising.

Gran Torino : ah I'm so forgetful yesterday after you prevented me from destroying the microwave I thought I had destroyed the microwave and bought a new one online, can I trouble you to put it with the other microwave outside.

I sighed as I facepalm myself as I brought the box and place it with the other microwave.

Y/N : *Old people forget stuff easily*

As I returned back gran Torino and midoriya finished sparing as I saw him laying on the ground.

Gran Torino : great job you are getting better and better. You should be able to fight with the rest of your classmates now. Now Y/N my favourite student get into gear and fight me.

I quickly got out my evol driver as I placed it on my waist.


Then I got out two bottles as I twisted the cap before plugging it into the driver


The I cranked the evoulution charger as the EV Ride Builder formed before I crossed my hands



The EV Ride Builder collapsed on me as I finished my transformation into Kamen rider Evolto phase 1 cobra form.


Evolto : Evol phase 1 completed.

After that I saw gran Torino rushed towards me trying to give me a kick, keyword 'trying'

Gran Torino : take this.

As the kick connected to the helmet, it did nothing as gran Torino stood frozen in shock.

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