Work studies : vs Nighteye

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All might : ah young midoriya and young Y/N ... here take a seat.

When I walked in I saw all might and mirio sitting together ... this means only one thing ...

All might : as you can see ... young Y/N has told me about you wanting to internship under nighteye ... Mirai ... young togata here worked under nighteye for one year ... young togata ... from the battle and your perspective, do you feel that young midoriya and young Y/N are fit enough to work under nighteye.

Mirio : Now I get it why you wanted to talk about me ... to have both of them introduced to sir am I right . However ... why are you using me as a catalyse ... shouldn't you be the one talking to him ... he has been a great fan of you and should be overjoyed to hear you.

All might : I feared this question and to be honest ... *sigh* I just can't bring myself to talk or meet with him. That out the question ...

Mirio : I have no real reason to refuse so sure ... heads up though ... sir nighteye is tougher than aizawa.

~one hour later~

Mirio : and here we are ... one hour later ... this is sir's office. I failed to mention before but sir is quite strict. It will be absolutely impressive if you can make him laugh at least once.

~in the office after izuku's failure~ (don't know how to write the face incident)

Nighteye : how utterly offensive ... in order to exceed your current level of strength, you wish to intern under me, is that right?


Y/N : (whispering) get ready for interference, due to my interference in this world, things might change.

Nighteye : and you (turns towards Y/N)

Y/N : me ... I'm just accompanying him along for the ride. I know where this is going so be prepared for what's to come. I don't mind you rejecting me but for the sake of events that will transpire for the days to come I will not allow you to reject him.

Nighteye : *the kids serious* (turns to midoriya) about that contract, if I provide my stamp ... on that sheet of paper, the contract would be made official. Know this, this is far from your usual, carefree internships that you get from a common business, where you only work for one day to a week. At the very least, you will only be employed for over a month. Of course you will receive compensation. You will take a lot of authorised absence even though you are a first year. Are you ready to handle with that stress.

Midoriya : even so I have to match their pace, or I'll never make it to the top.

Y/N : *here goes*

As I saw sir nighteye intentionally missing both sheets of paper.

Midoriya : Ern, you missed.

Nighteye : that because I don't feel like stamping it. I'm already well aware of the merits ... that you would reap from working here. However, how am I benefitted by employing you? This office works just fine with two sidekicks and one student intern. How exactly would I profit from taking you in? What can you do to contribute to society. How can you be of benefits to others. All might demonstrated it using his abundant power and humour. He granted hope to those frightened by crime and that is why the masses accepted him.

Y/N : and the next thing you will say is you are to demonstrate that to me ... not with words, but with action.

Nighteye : huh.

Y/N : Sir, with utmost respect, allow me to give my opinion on you. Your quirk allows you to see the future, however your heart is not in the future. You may think that you will not benefit by hiring midoriya. However you are only considering yourself. What make you think midoriya would not benefit in future and in turn benefit you? You think midoriya is weak just because he can't handle the power of All mights quirk, what makes you think that he will stay weak forever. Also don't just brag about your two sidekicks and one internship. Mirio is not going to stay your intern much longer. When that happens would you still brag about two interns. Midoriya granted hope to kota by defeating muscular along with me ... if that is not hope what is it?

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