Aftermath of battle

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~in a hospital in hosu city~

After the fiasco of the battle of the hero killer last night. I went to the hospital to visit both Lida and midoriya.

Lida : Y/N what are you doing here

Y/N : visiting you to ensure that your fine, besides after this we have a exam after the internship.

Midoriya : I see, thank you for caring for us.

I saw gran Torino entered the room.

Gran Torino : ah Y/N good to see you wide awake even after last nights discussion on how to improve training. And I see you two are awake as well.

Lida : Manula? What are you doing here.

Gran Torino : you did well to defeat the hero killer I must say Y/N. perhaps I should ask Nezu to let you take the provision licence exam. Besides that you three have a visitor.

I turned to look at the door as a person with a dogs head entered the room.

??? : I am the chief of police Kenji tsurugami woof.

Oh so this is the chief.

I saw midoriya and Lida about to stand up as they felt pain.

Kenji : please stay seated, I don't want you to be in pain after what just happened.
*turns to look at me* so your the quirkless student who managed to defeat the hero killer and also the person who came from another world am I right?

Y/N : yes sir.

Midoriya : *all the way for this?*

Kenji : so allow me to describe the several injuries you inflicted. Several broken bones along with a broken rib and has his spine slightly cracked. Several 2nd degree burns from the explosion you caused and of course the injuries that came from your four energy arrow shots in an attempt to silence the hero killer. He is now under strict guard in another hospital. As for you brother of ingenium...

He turns to look at Lida.

Here's a lesson that UA should have taught you. When quirks became the norm the early police force fought to maintain this status and they decided that it is impossible to allow the use of deadly quirks after all the police exist to prevent such harm. Only pro heroes can use quirks is because of their training and strict code of ethics that they follow. The law is law after all, you cause injury even if it's against the hero killer and as such have no authority, you and manual would have received such harsh punishment for this abuse of power except this two that has received permission from a pro hero to use powers without a reason.

Y/N : calm down chief after all we are just students, and besides Lida saved a pro heroes life even though he broke the law, if he was not to act, his life would be wasted before he could even save more life, at least show some gratitude that he saved someone's life.

Kenji : so it's okay to break the law as long as it goes your way.

Y/N : a life is a life, as it ends there is no going back no matter how hard you try. If your in a desperate situation where a killer is going to kill you and you have a bullet and a gun what will you do...stand there and die or break the law and shoot him...not to death and escape. And if manual dies what would you do, blame Lida for not acting to save him even if he had a chance?

I saw him think for a while before answering

Kenji : touché but still he needs to learn some things because he act out of emotions. I cannot praise you as the chief because a law is still a law but as a citizen you have my gratitude and thanks.

Manual : either way I will take responsibility as negligence of supervisor.

Tenya : I am sorry I should have listened

I saw him got hit to the head

Manual : yeah you caused us a lot of trouble remember that and don't do it again

Lida : yes sir

Kenji : before I go Y/N you will be on the news as you are the one that defeated stain. I hope 'nuisance' doesn't get to you though. If that happens do you need police force to protect you?

Y/N : that will be no need I will deal with the vultures myself, I have a rather loud person on standby.

Kenji : well, then I wish you goodbye and good luck on the exams that will come after you return to school

~at UA high~


Aizawa : the fuck is that ringtone you put

All might : sorry sorry. Hi sir Torino what can I do for you today.

Gran Torino : you should have warned me about the boy, Jesus he keeps getting himself injured.

All might : I apologise sir but what about the other kid other than my protege.

Gran Torino : Y/N has defeated the hero killer stain and yesterday he managed to prevent me from breaking a microwave while fighting in my house. Today before we get to hosu he even punched me up in the sky several feet destroying my ceiling in the process, I'll use your credit card for payment, mr symbol fo peace.

All might : yes sir well now we know he is stronger than me and already stronger than several pro heroes already.

Gran Torino : well I'd that's the case I will be meeting you in UA high next Monday to teach you about how to teach like a teacher.

All might : well goodbye then, until we....

Aizawa : all might pass me the phone so I can talk to gran Torino.

All might : *passes phone to aizawa*

Aizawa : hi gran Torino sir, may I speak to Y/N please

Gran Torino : * passes phone to Y/N*

Y/N : yes sir?

Aizawa : my favourite problem child, have you done the request?

Y/N : yes sir now we have secured all mights fate

Aizawa : very good, you will have no homework for one month. I can't wait to see all mights face when he sees gran Torino sir.

Y/N : I hope to see it too, by the way regarding the exam, mine's special right?

Aizawa : yup since you already surpassed most heroes power already yours will be special.

Y/N : all right see you in school then.

Gran Torino : so aizawa has the same idea as me huh...

I passed back the phone to him.

Y/N : so excited to see your student again.

Gran Torino : oh yes let's celebrate this night with a plate of taiyaki, my favourite student.

Y/N : gets some real food old man.

Next chapter

Rider vs the 13 Teachers : open the story of the end

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