Chapter 12: Harsh

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Fluke arrived at the office an hour early. He planned to do so he could read more reports today. He quickly got to work right after he reached his desk.

By the time lunchtime rolled around, Fluke finished reading another year of report. He grabbed his wallet and was about to head to the cafeteria to eat when someone called him along the hallway.

He turned around and see none other than Mr. CEO himself.

“Where are you going?” He asked.

“To get some lunch.” Fluke replied. Even though it was quite obvious since everyone else already went out for their lunch except him.

“You can get it when you finished what I told you to do.” He ordered.

“Can I do it when I come back, Sir? I need to restock my energy.”

“Your lunch can wait.”

“But-” Fluke argued.

“Even if I can't fire you, I am still your boss, and I am expecting my employees to follow my orders.” Ohm said.

“Fine.” He gave up and went back to his desk, despite him being so hungry. He had not planned of skipping his meal today since he learned his lesson from skipping it yesterday when his stomach growled madly, and he felt so weak. But, it seems that his boss will let him eat, not until he finished all of these reports.


“Ohm, what was that? Is he your new personal secretary?”

Ohm shifted around at the source of the voice. There, he saw his cousin Boun leaning beside one of the cubicles in the hallway.

“What are you doing here?" He replied instead.

“Is that how you treated your employees? If Grandpa Kit knew about this, he will surely scold you and forces you more to date someone so that you will not be this grumpy anymore. Haha.” Boun teases.

“If you are here to make fun of me, I have no time for you. I'm busy. Come back some other time.” He replied annoyingly and walks back to his office, ignoring Boun who now trailed behind him all the way inside his office.

“Ohm come on! You shouldn't treat your employees or any person like that. Grandpa doesn't teach us that way.” Boun said while settling comfortably in the couch.

Ohm did not bother to answer him and quickly proceed to his work.

“You know what, bro, you change a lot since…” Boun stops before he continues. “Grandpa is right, I think you really need someone to balance up your life. Someone who will make you happy. Look at yourself, you are so stressed out and tired. It's been two years, Ohm. I think it's about time. Look at me, I am more relax, and happier. It's because I have Prem. Believe me, Ohm it's still nice to have someone to cuddle at night, and you know-”

“Does grandpa sent you here to pester me with all that dating thingy.” Ohm asked cutting Boun's speech boasting about his relationship with his boyfriend Prem again. He also knew where it was going, and he is not interested in his cousin's sex life either.

Don't get him wrong, he loves his grandpa and his cousin Boun.  They are his only family. Both him and Boun lost their parents in a plane crash when they were young. And grandpa Kit is the one who took care of them since then. But these two always pushes him to date, and it is starting to get on his nerves. Why couldn't they understand that he didn't want to see anyone?

“Nope, I'm just here to visit you, Mr. CEO.”

“Really huh!?” Ohm replies sarcastically while continuously signing some documents that needed his approval.

“Well, Prem has a meeting near your office, so I decided to drop by while I'm waiting for him to finish. And Prem wants you to join us for lunch, I know you haven't taken your lunch yet.”

Ohm chuckles and nod in response. He knew it. Boun is always like this. Despite his busy schedule as a doctor, he never forgets to check on him, and never let the chance to invite him to join them for lunch or dinner. Even though he will be third wheeling again, he never said no to his cousin. After all, he enjoys Prem's company too. His happy that his cousin, Boun, finally met someone who matches him with everything.

“But Ohm seriously, don't be too harsh with your secretary and staffs. They had nothing to do with what happened to you and Ti-…” Boun speaks again but was cut of by Ohm in the mid.

“I am still the boss, and I have all the right to do and order whatever I want.”

Boun shook his head. His cousin tends to be stubborn, but it became worst after the incident that happened two years ago.

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