~*~Incorrect Quotes But I Made Them Myself So They're Not Funny~*~

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When you post a chapter for your book but it's a meme chapter and not a serious story chapter: Mission failed successfully


Ophiuchus: I can tell you about this thing, but I can only tell you a bit of it.

Zodiac Guardians: Why can't you tell use the rest of it?

Ophiuchus: Because to do so, you need to unlock my tragic backstory, which requires you to finish this task in the main storyline first.


Shelly: If you have a problem that you cannot solve

Shelly: Then the only solution is to take a nap

Shelly: For 10 hours.


Cassie: We may or may not have a problem.

Quinn: Alright, which one of you caused it?

Cassie: It was Tanner.

Tanner: It was Cristian.

Cristian: It was Cassie.

Quinn: ... So I'm guessing it was all three of you then.


Colt: Nothing surprises me anymore.

Alexei in the background teaching Adnan Russian swears with Aidan laughing hysterically in the background:

Colt: Yeah, not even that. I saw it coming.


Remily: If you fight me, you'll lose.

Asmara: Lose what? My will to live?

Kurtis: Bold of you to assume that I've not already lost that.



Clio: Now what do we say when things don't go as planned?

Sienna: It depends on circumstance, since nothing goes the way I planned it anyways.


Cassie: Karens are such cowards.

Cassie: I mean, "I wish to speak to the manager" is too overused.

Cassie: Step it up a notch and say "I wish to speak to the CEO".

Cassie: Go big or go home.


Aidan: Sometimes, I feel like no one understands me.

Other Zodiac Guardians: ... What?

Aidan: It's because of my accent, isn't it.


Alexei: And in Russia, we say "ублюдок", which means "thank you".

Shelly: Are you sure that's what it says?


Alexei: Well, it actually means "bastard"-


Cristian: Hey Kurtis! Watch this!

Cristian: *climbs over wall, jumps on a bench and falls*

Cristian: Parkour!


Kurtis: How are you still alive?


Sienna: Do you ever want to just sit there and drink coffee peacefully as you watch your enemies face the consequences they deserve?

Asmara: Enjoying the suffering of your enemies is truly a peaceful thing to do.


Quinn: I think... I think that'll be your last cup of coffee for today.


Tanner: The problem with this idea is that I'm probably not going to show up on time to actually do the thing.

Tanner: But at least it'll be done.


Clio: Don't you think that that's a little too... dangerous?

Remily: Ha, as if! It'll totally be worth it!

Remily 10 minutes later with a broken arm: Still absolutely worth it.


Okay so the quotes aren't the only reason why this is here.

I'm going to be making...

A GotGH playlist on spotify! *confetti*

But I'm also terrible at choosing songs so I'll need your help.

I'd like you guys to comment a song beside a character from the list of characters I'll be putting below that fits the character's theme and personality. There will also be a section for the book's theme in general.

Afterwards, I'll make the playlist and I'll share it when it's done!

Now, pick a song for...














Any background characters!

The book as a whole

That'll be it for now! Thanks for reading! Have a good day/night, and stay safe!

Peace out,

Confusion owo

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