~*~Minor Role Slots~*~

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Here are the minor roles. These characters will appear less, but I'll try to make them appear as much as I can get them to appear.

These minor roles are those from the Galactic Heavens, the magical heavenly realm that's home to the stars and constellations. (I should really put this in the teaser. I'll fix that)

So here are the minor roles.

Ophiuchus [Taken by me]
The assistant of the President and Vice President of the Galactic Heavens.

President of the Galactic Heavens [Taken by -rainingwildflowers- ]
It's self explanatory, they govern the Galactic Heavens.

Vice President of the Galactic Heavens [Taken by x_Quack_x]
Also self explanatory, they assist the President in governing the Galactic Heavens.

Extra slots
These are ordinary everyday civilians that will show up in the story. They are constellations, and will have the names of constellations as well.
Extra Slot #1 [Taken by WolfRaider56]
Extra Slot #2 [Taken by @starrynightqueen]
Extra Slot #3 [Taken by @CauldronCookie5]
Extra slot #4 [Taken by GriffinQ]

Here's the form!


NAME (If your role is the President or Vice President of the Galactic Heavens, create your own name. If your role is an extra slot, use a constellation name)



Somewhere between 1-5 thousand years (When Galacticans say that they are 15 years old, they really mean 1500 years old. 1500 Galactican years is equivalent to 15 Earth years, so if the Galactican is 1500 years old, they will look like a 15 year old human. I don't really know how to explain that, so I hope that this example is fine.)



APPEARANCE (Describe their hair, eye, and skin colour)


SPECIFIC ABILITIES (Any specific things that the character can do regarding their power)


SOCIAL STATUS IN THE GALACTIC HEAVENS (President/Vice President/President & Vice President's assistant, Soldier/Guard, Peasant)

STRENGTHS (1 power related, 1 personality related)

WEAKNESSES (1 power related, 1 personality related)

LIKES (2+)



PASSWORD (Put it here if you haven't already done it)


The deadline for the forms is July 10th 2020, which is plenty of time (for me as well since I have to update all my books and also do schoolwork)

Guardians of the Galactic Heavens (A Zodiac Applyfic)Where stories live. Discover now