01: ᴀ ᴡʜɪᴛᴇ ᴠᴀɴ... ꜱᴜꜱᴘɪᴄɪᴏᴜꜱ?

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𝙹𝚊𝚗𝚞𝚊𝚛𝚢 𝟷𝚜𝚝, 𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟶

Aidan woke up to find a strange symbol floating above his head.

He was extremely confused as to why it was there. His comb didn't seem to be able to brush it away. Water wouldn't wash it away. Hitting himself repeatedly with his pillow didn't seem to work either.

What was it?

Aidan stared at his reflection in the mirror. The symbol, which strangely resembled that Aries astrological symbol thing that he had seen once, was floating above his head, glowing red.

He ran down the stairs to find his sister sitting in front of the TV, flipping through the channels.

"Hey Sis, a weird symbol thing's floatin' above m' head, and I dunno what it is." Aidan told her.

His sister squinted at him, and simply rolled her eyes. "There's nothin' above yer head. Ya must be hallucinatin'."

Adian looked up. The symbol was, indeed, there. He grumbled in frustration, making his way to the kitchen where his mother was preparing breakfast.

"Ma, is there anythin' on my head?" He asked.

His mother looked at him and shook her head. "There's nothin'. I dunno why you're askin' me."

Aidan plopped himself down on a chair and sighed. Why was there this symbol on his head that no one else could see? Was he really hallucinating? Was this just a dream?

His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. He got up from his seat to open it.

Standing in front of him was a boy with brown hair tied up in a small ponytail. He looked around 15, but Aidan wasn't quite sure. One thing he was sure about was that something wasn't quite right. He could see a white van in the background, and could've sworn that he saw a couple of people in the van as well.

"Hiya there, I'm looking for-" The boy started, but stopped talking as he looked at what was floating on top of Aidan's head. "Well holy stars, that was an easy hunt."

"Holy stars"? "Easy hunt"? What was this guy talking about? Aidan asked himself.

The brown haired boy didn't seen to notice his confused expression. "Could you call your parents? I need to tell them something."

"What do ya need them for?" I asked, still confused.

"Oh, it's for this, um, school thing, you see-" The boy seemed to speak nervously, as if he wasn't actually telling the truth. "I've been sent to inform you that you got selected for a school of, um, special people! Yeah, that's it, special people, a-and-"

He kept rambling on about this random boarding school thing, and Aidan's mother, who happened to be passing by, invited the boy in for a chat. Aidan, however, couldn't get over the way this boy said "special people".

Did this boy know about what happened a few years ago? Did he somehow know about what Aidan's sister had dubbed his "Special Trick"?

Aidan just stood there, standing at the doorway, thinking about what had happened that day with that man and his burn mark that he had somehow made.

Guardians of the Galactic Heavens (A Zodiac Applyfic)Where stories live. Discover now