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I'm wet, my skin is flush and hot, and I swear I could hear my heart thumping wildly. Every part of me feels alive. Each move, each sway, feels so exhilarating. I could do this forever.

In fact, I've been doing this forever.

My mother used to say, I was born to be part of the ocean. She used to call it my twin. Hindi pa ata ako nakakapaglakad ay parte na ng buhay ko ang dagat. That's why it's not a surprise that I became who I am now. Circe Isle Andino, a gold medalist for inaugural Olympic surfing, and a champion of World Surf League and Championship Tour. I'm one of the most decorated female surfer in the country.

Surfing is my life. Hindi ko na kailangan ng higit pa. I'm contented being alone anywhere as long as everyday I get greeted by the magnificent view of the ocean. During the day, I spent hours and hours riding the waves, and at night I lay contented on my bed sleeping peacefully.

There's nothing I want more in my life. I don't mind being alone. It's not like I need anyone to be happy. Masaya naman ako kahit mag-isa ko. And basic needs of a human? I have food and water. Sex? I can purchase a battery operated boyfriend anytime. If someone will ask me, chocolates or the ocean, I will always choose the ocean first. And if it's sex or chocolates? I'll choose chocolates in a heartbeat.

Before, sex is just a cliché thing for me. Something that people loves to hype up. But one drunken night that I was trying to drown my grief, I realized how wrong I was... o mas tamang sabihin na pinatunayan sa akin ng mundo kung gaano ako kamali. Because the man who helped me silence the echoes of my sorrows proved that sex can also give me so much more than I thought it could. That it can awaken me in a way that I thought was only possible through surfing.

Wet, hot, sweaty, my heart beating fast, and every part of my body screaming in exhilaration... so vital... so alive. He made me feel all that. Just one night. One night that the ocean couldn't take away my misery and instead the stranger drown them by engulfing me in his arms. His strength feels unwavering in a way that it's like it was telling me that I don't need to be afraid because he will remain steady to catch me.

Just for one night.

Because when the morning came, there's no longer an us. When the morning came... I was gone. I left him without telling him my name... I left not knowing who he is. It's better that way. He doesn't need the hassle of the morning after of a one night stand, and I don't need to remember the night of my reckless mistake.

I just need to go back to my life as if nothing happened. Back to where it's easy and uncomplicated. It's not like one night could change my life, right?

I was wrong. Life is not that easy.

Not when I'm looking at two positive lines that would change my life completely.

Dagger Series #6: UnwaveringWhere stories live. Discover now