Chapter 10: Stage

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#DS6Unwavering #CirCoal #SharkFamily #DaggerSeries

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#DS6Unwavering #CirCoal #SharkFamily #DaggerSeries

A/N: Wala pong Friday update. This is for Friday kaya dalawa :)



Nag-angat ako ng mga mata mula sa laptop ko nang marinig ko ang pagbukas ng pintuan. The knot on my forehead straightened when I saw Coal enter the house while pushing Kaise's stroller.

I was about to cook our lunch, which is chicken and mushroom with bok choy curry, when I realized that I ran out of curry powder. Coal volunteered to buy it for me, kaya lang ayaw magpaiwan ni Kaise kaya sinama niya na. They look adorable. They're even wearing same-colored shirts.

"Kaya naman pala ang tagal niyo," sabi ko nang makita ko ang mga dala nila.

I don't think one pack of curry powder will need two paper bags of groceries. May hawak pa si Kaise na malit na plastic na bote ng toyo na inaalog-alog niya.

Coal smiled sheepishly. "I got carried away."

I tapped Kaise's nose, and she giggled in response. "Let me guess. Binili mo lahat ng kinuha niya?"

Pagkamot lang sa ulo ang naging sagot niya. Napapailing na inilabas ko ang laman ng inilapag niya na paper bag sa harapan ko. May tomato sauce at pasta pa. Konti na lang pwede na kaming mag-Spaghetti.

"This one I bought for you." Coal pulled out what looked like a kraft paper tub container from the paper bag he was still holding. At a glance, I thought they were ice cream. "Locally made na chocolate and chips daw. They call them Messy Cookies. No'ng makita ko naalala kita." He almost looked shy when he took out two more tubs from the bag. "Not the messy part. Alam ko lang kasi a paborito mo ang cookies."

A "wow" escaped from my lips as I looked at the tubs. Iisa lang ang nakakatalo pagdating sa chocolate chips sa buhay ko at surfing iyon.

There was this one time in an interview that I was asked what I would choose between chocolate and sex, and I immediately answered chocolate. I told them it's because chocolate chips are my addiction, and if there's one thing that can beat it, it wouldn't be sex, but instead it would be surfing. Hindi ko nga lang alam kung iyon pa rin ang magagawa kong isagot ngayon. That night with Coal proved that there's something greater than chocolate chips.

"I'll give it to you if you say I do."

Nanlalaki ang mga mata na inalis ko ang tingin ko sa mga tub at nag-angat ako ng mukha kay Coal. "Wha... what?"

"I'm kidding." Kumikislap sa kapilyuhan ang mga mata na iniharap niya sa akin ang lalagyan kung saan kita ang logo no'n. "I Dough. It's their brand name."

He's going to give me a heart disorder.

"Want to try one?" he asked.

Isinantabi ko ang pag-iingay ng dibdib ko at binigyan ko siya ng ngiti. "Tinatanong pa ba 'yan?"

Dagger Series #6: UnwaveringWhere stories live. Discover now