Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Harry POV

I rolled over and checked my phone to see what the time was. Only 8:30. I wondered whether I should get up or go back to sleep, considering we didn't have anything until this afternoon, when I heard someone else awake in the kitchen. I looked next to me and found I was alone.

Might as well get up then.

I climbed out of bed and walked down the stairs to see Evelyn at the table with a plate piled high with pancakes, and Louis in the kitchen cooking them.

"Did you save any for me?" I joked sitting down opposite Eve.

"Sorry, but these are all for Evelyn. I thought when you got cravings it was just weird foods or something. Apparently with this one, she just wants lots of anything." Louis rolled his eyes causing Eve to grin guiltily at me.

"Sorry." She said through a mouthful of food.

I laughed and got up to make myself some cereal. "You're going to get fat, Evelyn." I joked.

"I was going to get fat anyway. I might as well eat as much as I want." She poked her tongue at me and shoved another forkful of pancakes into her mouth.

I shook my head and finished making my cereal. By the time I was done, Louis had finished making breakfast for Evelyn, who now had another plate full of pancakes waiting in front of her already almost full one she was eating off. He made cereal too and we sat next to eachother at the table. I couldn't help but laugh almost the whole time at Evelyn, who never seemed to get full.

"Done!" She announced when she'd finished her second plate of pancakes, those ones covered in ice cream and chocolate sauce. Very healthy Evelyn.

"You're a pig." I poked my fork at her accusingly, but she just swatted it away and stood up, taking her plates with her.

"What are our plans for today?" She asked sitting back down.

"Nothing until 4, when we have a meeting with management to discuss tour dates." Louis replied, taking mine and his bowls up to wash them.

"Awesome! I was thinking today we could spend some time in town, maybe go shopping or something. I'm going to need some more comfortable clothes for when I start getting bigger." Eve looked at her stomach, smiling at it.

"Sounds perfect." I smiled. Since Evelyn and Louis were already dressed and and ready, I quickly went upstairs and got dressed into some casual clothes. Racing back down, I noticed they were already in the car waiting. I sat in the back since Evelyn decided to take my spot next to Louis.

We drove for half an hour to get to the mall in the middle of town.

"It's going to be busy. But there aren't usually that many paps around here so that's good. We'll just have to watch out for fans." Louis said when we pulled up in a car park just in front of the main doors.

"Ready?" Louis asked, already outside and opening the door for Eve.

"Yep." She stepped out and I took her hand in mine. "Let's go."

We walked around the mall for a while, getting stopped by a couple of fans who were really nice to Eve which was good, and ending up getting quite a few bags full of maternity clothes for Evelyn, and a few outfits for Lou and I.

"What's the time?" I asked, realising I'd forgotten to charge my phone when I saw it was flat.

"12:30." Louis said, checking his watch.

"Should we get some lunch here, or back at home?" I asked the two of them.

"Here. I could really go for a burger." Eve said, already looking around for food place that sold them.

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