Chapter 12

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In case you haven't realised, I've decided not to do the '2 votes for the next chapter' thing anymore. Although it was working extremely well, I felt like I was forcing you into voting my story, so I stopped. I would also like to say, I have finished writing this story, and I now have 6 more chapters and the epilogue waiting to be published. So thank you a for reading, and I hope you enjoy this chapter x

-S xx

Chapter 12

Louis POV

The next month and a half flew by quickly. Some of the stuff management ordered for Eve had already begun to arrive and Evelyn had permanently moved into our apartment with us, at least until the baby arrived. Other than that, not much had happened. Evelyn seemed to be getting bigger everyday. She was now quite obviously pregnant, and she was also starting to put on a bit of weight from the all the food she'd been eating, but she refused to believe it when we told her that. Harry was still extremely protective of her, not really letting her out of his sight much. I would have thought I'd hated it, but if anything it made the time we got alone more special.

Today was the day Evelyn would be getting her first ultrasound. We got up early that morning, Eve trying to eat as much as she could before she left. She claimed it was because 'the baby is always hungry' but we knew she secretly enjoyed not having to pay for anything.

"Are you ready to go?" Harry asked me, placing a kiss onto my nose.

"Yep." I said and grabbed my keys from the table next to the door. We all walked out and got into my car, Harry sitting in the back as he had semi-permanently given up his seat so Evelyn would be comfortable. This is one of the many reasons I loved him so much.

We drove to the ultrasound clinic, arriving just in time for our 8 o'clock appointment. Evelyn was taken into a room to do a private ultrasound, apparently no one was allowed to be with her until a little later into the appointment. Harry and I sat in the waiting room, and I could tell he was starting to grow impatient.

"It's ok, babe. It's not like they're hurting her or anything." I reassured him. I had to restrain myself from kissing him. The only downside to our growing relationship was that I was finding it hard to not show him affection in public.

My words seemed to relax him a little, but it was only a few minutes later when a doctor walked out and told us we could go in and look now.

Harry rushed out of his seat and almost ran to the room she was in.

We all cooed over the little monitor, trying to find the baby. Meanwhile, Evelyn couldn't wipe the grin off her face.

"What's so funny?" I laughed when I noticed her huge smile.

"Nothing is funny." She laughed.

"Why are you so happy, then?" Harry asked.

"Can't you see on the screen? Look!" She pointed.

Honestly, I couldn't even tell where the baby was. It just looked like a jumbled up mess.

"It's twins, you idiots!" She laughed.

Twins. They were having twins.

"That's amazing!" Harry exclaimed and hugged her tightly.

"Congrats guys!" I managed to say when I'd finally regained my composure.

"Is that why she's been so hungry all the time?" Harry asked the doctor.

"Yes. Usually a woman would crave unusual foods, but excessive hunger is a good sign of multiple in the womb." He smiled warmly at the two of them.

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