Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Louis POV

"Are they all healthy?" I asked the only nurse still in the room.

"Yes. We checked them over there is no injuries at all. They're very lucky." She replied with a smile.

"Did you hear that babe? They're fine." I smiled at Harry and kissed the top of his head.

I saw him smile as he stared lovingly at the child in his arms. I'd give anything to see this everyday.

"This might not be the time, but what are you guys doing in terms of custody?" I asked.

"Well. We thought since Harry and I both get shared custody automatically, unless one of us demands otherwise, you guys could look after one and we'd look after the other. You won't have to do any legal work or adopt one or anything because Harry is already their legal father. We could raise them knowing who their real parents are, they'd just be living in two separate

homes. Do you like the sound of that?" Eve smiled warmly at us.

"We'd love to!" Harry exclaimed, tears forming in his eyes. "Louis! We're parents!"

"We are, Harry. We're parents." I said, liking the way those words felt on my tongue.

"I think, we'd like to take Luke. If that's ok with you?" Harry said smiling at his son. Our son.

"That's perfectly fine with us." Evelyn said. She looked down at Kate who was asleep in her arms. "We figured it would be better if you guys had a boy anyway, so it would be an all boys house." Eve laughed.

"You boys will have to go home, and leave these three to rest. They will be able to be picked up tomorrow morning." The nurse, who I hadn't realised left, poked her head through the door to tell us.

We said our goodbyes and walked out into the cool, afternoon air.

"We're parents Lou." Harry smiled at me. Without even thinking, I planted a soft kiss to his lips.

"Louis!" Zayn yelled, and I pulled back.

"What?!" I asked, angry that he interrupted us.

I looked at him and noticed he was looking behind us. Harry and I turned around and I froze at what I saw.

A large group of paparazzi stared back at us.

A second of silence passed before cameras started clicking like crazy and questions were fired at us from every angle.

"Harry, why did you tell Louis you are both parents?"

"Did you just kiss?"

"Why did you kiss?"

"Harry, did Evelyn have the babies?"

"Why was Zayn here too?"

"Does Zayn have a connection to the children?"

My head was spinning from all the questions. I couldn't breathe. Couldn't move. There was on question that kept playing over and over in my head.

"Louis, are you and Harry in a relationship?"

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