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"Frankie!?" Where is she? I have been calling her for 30 minutes now.

"Shane why are you yelling!" Eli called out. Your yelling too dumb ass. I roll my eyes

"Is Frankie with you?" I called back out. There is a long pause before I hear footsteps coming my way. Eli comes out of the hall way.

"I thought she was with you?"
He looks at me puzzled. "She was but me and Remy had to do that thing I told you about you remember?"

I wait until he nods his head "well Remy got hurt so I had to bring him here, and now I can't find Frankie"

"What do you mean you can't find her?" Eli voice is laced with panic. "What do you think i mean? I can't find her!"

Eil runs back down the hallway yell Frankie's name. I head down the west hallway, I pass a door that open slightly and pause.

That door is usually closed, I grab my gun and point in down and close to my side as I slowly walk closer to the door.

I push on the door slightly and freeze at what I see.

Frankie on the ground with papers all around her.  What is she doing in the west side of the house?

I put away my gun and wipe my hands on my pant legs.  I take a step in the room and wait to see if she does something. When she doesn't I take another and another and another until I'm close enough to touch her. 

"Frank" I say quietly she flinches and snaps her head up to me. I quickly squat done when I see her eyes glossy with tears.

"Frankie its not what it looks like"
I quickly try to explain but she just shakes her head "Really what does it look like then? I think its pretty obvious what it is like"

I run my hand through my hair "Frankie look I promise that I will tell you everything but you have to promise in return that you won't freak out, ok?"

She hesitates then nods slowly "I need to hear you say it"

"I - I promise" She say barley above a whisper

"Me and our brothers are in the mafia, our dad too but he die as you know." I wait for her to explode or yell or anything but she doesn't. She not even looking at me

"What about Eric, Remy and Kingston? Are they in it to?" She looks up at me. I nod once and wait for anymore questions.

When none come i sit on the ground and look at the wall staying quiet.

                  Frankie POV

I should be freaking out right now but I'm not. Why, why am I'm not freaking out?

I feel confused and a little hurt

I'm confused on how they are in the mafia. It makes more sense with the big house and the fancy cars and everything.

All I really now about the mafia is the little I have read in books. And I don't think that's all correct.

And I'm hurt because they lied to me but that makes me a hypocrite because I'm still lying to them.

And I cant keep doing that.  Lying to them, well most Shane.

"Shane I - I need to tell you something"


What do you guys think? Let me know. And if you have questions I'll do my best to answer them

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