Chapter 23

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She pushed through the doors of Santa Maria hospital like a cool breeze on a warm summer’s day. Her hair billowing down her back like sheets of wavy silk, her face a mask of strength and control, but the moment her eyes landed on me her façade crumbled into a million tiny pieces.

She came rushing towards me with her arms stretched out as if she were drowning and I were her only life line. Jordan followed closely behind her and a swell of jealousy filled my chest at the way he was looking at her and the fact that they spent the night together. However, I pushed all such thoughts out of mind as her slim frame came crashing into mine and I was so surprised to see that she was sobbing so hard.

“Randy…Randy” she croaked holding onto me tightly and my heart clenched in fear. I have never seen her like this, so vulnerable and hurt. It broke my heart; I clung onto her trying to offer up every bit of comfort that I could.

“Shhh it’s alright, it’s going to be okay.” I whispered into her ear while simultaneously rubbing circles on her back. Behind me I heard the sound of approaching footsteps. I turned around to see that it was Doctor Winslow and Sister Mary. Izzy and Mads’ were the first to reach them followed next by me and Aria. Izzy was standing right next to Maddy, her face taught with anticipation and worry. I watched as she closed her eyes and said a silent prayer. I gave Aria's hand a slight squeeze and she looked up at me with a look in those big doe eyes that made my heart clench.

“How is he?” Sister Mary asked Doctor Winslow.

“He’s stable.” Doctor Winslow stated in a frank manner.

“Luckily you managed to get him here just on time; the boy had an abnormally high white blood cell count. When his test results came back we were able to conclude that he had a case of appendicitis. It’s not uncommon amongst young children. Luckily we were able to operate and remove the inflamed appendix before it could rupture and cause serious complications. He is resting at the moment and we’ll have to run a few more tests before he can get the all clear, but right now the prognosis is promising.”

We all let out a collective sigh and Aria stepped forward to speak to the Doctor.

“Can I see him?” she asked in a meek voice.

The doctor nodded

“Yes, but only three people at a time, he is still a bit weak and we don’t want him to be over worked.”

Aria left immediately following the nurse to Max’s room while Doctor Winslow pulled Sister Mary aside to discuss hospital bills and medical aid. Jordan was soon following Aria and the rest of us looked to each other finally we agreed that I should go and the girls would visit Max later on with Sister Mary. I made my way to the room and found Aria sitting on a small chair next to the bed rubbing Max’s small hands and whispering to him. Jordan was propped up on a wall at the opposite side of the room watching the scene intently. I pulled out a chair and sat next to her pulling her into a hug. I felt her melt into my arms and once again I was surprised. Aria was not at all an overly emotional person and given the circumstances I could understand why she would be worked up, but the doctor practically said Max would be okay and she was still completely out of it. I looked up at Jordan and held his gaze for a moment. I knew now that there was something going on here something more than they are willing to let on. I know Aria and this is not like her. Something happened last night, something big and I have a feeling it all has to do with Jordan.




When I first saw Maxi sleeping in his cot with all the tubes attached to him I let out a big sigh. The sight of his small pale face was almost enough to make me burst into tears again but before I could Jordan clasped my hand and he looked me straight in the eyes.

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