Chapter 19

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Sometimes you can live your whole life surrounded by lies. Living in ignorance blissfully unaware of the intricately designed lies fed to you by the people you trusted the most. Until eventually-as it always does-the truth will reveal itself forcing you to open your eyes to the harsh reality of it all. At which point you want to shut them again longing for you innocence, partly wishing you didn't know, however there is only so much one can do before they have to accept reality and when that happens...well all bets are off.

For me the truth came in the form of Jordan and as I listened to him now. Seated on the edge of a bed in a hotel situated in the more secluded part of the island, I found myself unable to comprehend what was going on. 

I don't even really remember how we got here, everything that happened after he admitted to being my brother all seemed to merge into a collage of blurry memories. What I do remember is vague, after he told me what he did, I froze unable to move not really sure what to say or what to do.

"How?" I had muttered it seemed to be the only way to convey my feelings.

"It's a long story, I promise to tell you everything but not here." He proceeded to scan the area.

"Someone might hear us." He stated and I just stared at him mutely wondering if he wasn't perhaps insane.

Seemingly convinced that I wasn't going to bolt fist chance I got, he let go of me standing up and rubbing his shines tenderly as if to assess the damage I've caused.

I got up slowly finding it hard to move, realizing that my breathing was still pitchy I tried to focus on calming down and counting to ten. I had to focus on something...anything but Jordan or else I felt like the strings holding me together all my life would start snapping and I would be left empty.

"I've booked this hotel room in a secluded part of town. If you just allow me to take you there...I promise I will tell you everything."

I wanted to say no, I wanted to run away screaming for him to go to hell. Slap him in the face and tell him to never speak to me again, but I couldn't. Because regardless of how much it disgusted me to hear him say he was my brother, there was also more to the story than just Jordan. I realized painfully what my subconscious mind was cloaking these past few minutes. The realization that if Jordan was my brother, he knew  my father and that was enough to make me say yes. 

The ride over to the hotel was filled with silence. I didn't look at him I just couldn't. It would be what sent me over the edge and right now I couldn't afford to cry because I was so close to breaking I didn't think I could come back.

Now as we sat in the dingy hotel room, only illuminated by a single dull lamp. I had to search deeper inside myself than ever before to keep it together. He sat in a large wicker chair in the corner of a room and I sat on the edge of the bed staring at my hands.

"So..." he began.

"I'm sure you've got a lot of questions but hear me out first and then you can ask your questions. I guess I should start of by telling you that I'm not you're actual biological brother. I'm your God brother, I just told you that to get you to stop screaming." He paused as if waiting for my response, I sighed. That was all I could manage right now.

"Aria...look at me please. What I'm about to say is really important and I need to make sure that you follow."

I obeyed and seeming satisfied he let out one long strenuous sigh before launching into his story.

"Well I suppose I should start from the beginning. My name is not really Jordan Blake, that's just an alias I adopted before attending Livingstone; my real name is Jordano Altimirano I work for a branch of the secret service in Spain alongside Dario Ponce de León (your father) and for the past three years I've been you're secret body guard." He paused as if waiting to see if I have absorbed any of this. All I could do was ask why, it seemed as though I could only utter interrogative pronouns tonight.

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