Chapter 33

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It has been exactly two weeks and 3 days since the day I died. My recovery for the most part has been going well. Lucky the bullet didn't fracture my shoulder joint , further blood tests revealed that both Samantha and I had large amounts of arsenic in our system. I could only come to the conclusion that Karen was secretly poisoning our meals. No wonder we got so weak in such a short period of time. Being in the hospital was hard, visiting hours never felt long enough, when the last visitor would leave a sense of loneliness would overcome me. I couldn't really move that much since my shoulder was still healing up so that left me with very few options left to entertain myself. I watched TV most of the time but I tried not to watch the news channels too much the story concerning my kidnapping was plastered all over the local  news media. The story shocked the entire Island, most probably the most shocking thing to ever happen around here. It always brought me back to a bad place it made me think back to when we were being held captive. It made me think about all the death I had witnessed in the final moments and it makes me think about getting shot. I cant really get over that moment yet, I am still constantly terrified that Luther is alive just waiting for the moment that he catches me alone to finish the job. I know its an irrational fear since I saw him die with my own eyes but somehow I just couldn't  shake the the feeling that it was not over yet...something still felt off.

My thoughts where interrupted  when the door to my room swung open, one of the body guards that my grandmother had hired and stationed outside of my hospital room walked in. It honestly reminded me of being held as Luther's prisoner back at the lighthouse. Although I knew they were for my own safety it still unsettled me a bit.

"Miss Noble there are visitors here to see you should I allow them in'' the body guard asked.

"Who is it ?"

"The usual."

" Alright ...send them in" I said while sitting up and trying to finger comb my hair to look a bit more presentable. Moments later in walked Maddy , Izzy, Naz and Randy.

My mood immediately brightened seeing my best friends again was really something I thought I would never be able to do again. So now after all I've been through every moment I spend with them feels so precious .

"Heyyyy" Maddy's chirpy voice filled up the room a smile plastered across her face. Randy followed behind her and in his hands he held a big bouquet of yellow roses .

" Randy come one you seriously have to stop with the flowers I'm running out of space to keep them all" I said jokingly.

" Oh please you wish they were from me...this was left at the front desk for you" he said as he smiled smugly at me.

" It's probably one of your fans have become an overnight celebrity." said Naz as she too the flowers from Randy and placed them in an empty vase on a table beside my bed.

We all laughed at her comments, Izzy came to site on a chair beside my bet and folded my hand into hers.

" How are you feeling" she said looking into my eyes earnestly. I could tell she was really worried and I didn't want her stress over me too much.

"Much better...they have lowered the level of pain killers they give me so I'm starting to think more clearly now" I told her.

Randy perched himself on the foot end of my bed staring at me intently, I could tell he was dying  to ask me so many questions . All of them were but I still couldn't bring myself to talk about the events without having an emotional breakdown. I experienced this when I tried to recall all the details in order for officer Higgins to take my statement  two days ago. 

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