Chapter 31

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The room was quite for a moment after Callum and Luther left. Samantha looked to Gareth as if to ask what now.

"Fifteen more minutes" he whispered while placing his hand over his walkie talkie device. He didn't have to say much more than that the message was received loud and clear. In fifteen minutes time we could be sure that Karen had left and that's when we make our break. I could tell that Samantha was getting anxious she kept on pacing up and down and it was driving me insane. When it was time Gareth motioned towards the door, he switched of his walkie talkie and left it on the table he unlocked the door and exited the room motioning for us to follow him.

"I will take you as far as the main bathroom after that you need to go down the flight of stairs and make a right you will see a blue door that's when you make your exit and you go straight down the road you will find a gas station..."

I listened intently to what he was saying I needed to make sure I remembered these directions.

"Ok I got it" I whispered and Samantha and I held hands while Gareth led us down the corridor.

Once we reached the bathroom Gareth Stopped he knew he had to get to Callum and distract him long enough for us to escape. He reached into his pocket and took out a small old wallet sized black and white photo of a women and he handed it to me.

" This in my mother Maureen Fletcher, my real name is Jared Fletcher and my mother has cancer...we didn't have the money for her treatment and that's the only reason I did this, I'm so sorry Aria for what I've done to you and Samantha but if I don't get out of this please help my mother."

"Ok" I said taking the photo and giving him one last hug, I whispered in his ear.

"I'll do everything I can for her...I promise" he pulled away gave me a half hearted smile and then left to go in the opposite direction. From here on out it was just the two of us and my heart was racing as we descended the stairs. Once we reached the bottom of the flight of stairs we made a right down the hallway and sure enough there was a blue door just a few feet away from us cautiously we approached we were so close to freedom when the door swung open and there stood Karen with some keys in her hands she took a moment to notice us standing there but when she did she started reaching for her gun and I knew that I couldn't let her reach for the gun it would be all over for us. So I lunged for her the way Jordan taught me and I landed a punch to her cheek, upstairs I could hear a commotion and I knew time was running out . Samantha and I both went in on Karen as I attempted to get hold of her gun it was at that moment I felt someone grabbing me from behind, I used my elbow to jab them in the jaw and I felt that person stumble to the ground I looked around the room for a weapon I saw an old fire extinguisher I quickly ran to get hold of it and I saw Samantha still struggling with Karen I went over to help her but Karen had managed to overpower Samantha and was now looking down at her with a gun held to her head. Because I was taller than Karen what I did next wasn't that hard, I help up the fire extinguisher and when Karen saw my shadow she quickly turned around but it was too late.

"Surprise bitch!" I yelled before slamming the fire extinguisher against her head, she was knocked out immediately. I quickly got hold of her gun and I helped Samantha off the floor we before we quickly made our way to the door, my fingers were on the door handle I was just about to pry it open when I felt a blunt metal pole collide with my back and I fell to the floor I knew I was hit. Two sets of hands were grabbing hold of me as Samantha stood and watched, my words came out shaky but the only thing I could manage to scream through this fear and pain was


 And she did I saw her take off before they closed the door. Callum and Luther had me and I knew now there was no getting out. There was no escape; the look in Luther's eyes alone could suffocate me.

They left me locked up in the small room for what felt like an eternity before they barged in with a bloodied Gareth. He looked like he had been severely beaten up his hands were tied behind his back. Callum pushed him to the ground as Luther just stood and watched him.

"So you think you're so smart?" Luther began with a deranged look in his eyes.

" Well poor little Jared over here is going to have to pay for your mistakes" he said with a smug look on his face just as Callum drew his gun from his pocket and aimed it at Gareth/Jared's head. Dread set in as I realised what was about to happen, I started to scream and beg and plead with Luther not to do this, I was pulling at his tuxedo but all he did was slap me so hard that I fell to the ground. I was crying uncontrollably as Gareth made eye contact with me, the blood dripping from his open gash on his for head covered his face. He looked like he had lost the will to live and all I could do was yell out I'm sorry over and over again. Luther nodded at Callum as if to give the signal and Callum clocked the gun my heart stopped for a moment as he pulled a trigger and a bullet went straight through Gareth's head. I let out the loudest scream I could muster at that moment as I watched Gareth's lifeless body fall to the floor. Luther slapped me again,

"You see what you made me do!" he shouted over and over again as he slapped and punched me repeatedly I tried to fight back I kicked him in the chins and gut a couple of times but that just enraged him even more and I was too weak to take on the two of them. I fell to the ground from the pain and Luther kicked me in the ribs a couple of times... I wheezed from the pain I didn't even have the strength to carry on any more I thought I was dying.

That's when I heard the door being kicked open that's when I saw a male figure dressed in dark clothing come in and pull them off me. I sat up slowly and when I realized who it was I thought I would pass out because just when I thought all hope was lost that's when I saw Jordan in all his glory like a dark knight I watched him take down Luther and Callum as he disabled them of their weapons. Callum was the first to go as Jordan punched him in the throat and then to the side of his head, his body collapsed to the floor, Luther was next and he lunged at Jordan in utter rage, Jordan easily dogged his blows and landed a couple of good ones on Luther before he did the same thing and punched him on his temple effectively knocking him out.

Then Jordan turned to me the look in his eyes was one of terror and despair he ran up to me and pulled me up to him holding me in an embrace while I sobbed in his arms.

"Aria...Aria, are you ok are you hurt?" he asked in a panicked tone and after all I had been through just hearing his voice again felt like heaven.

I couldn't stop sobbing I was just so relieved to be in his arms.

He cupped my face in his hands and kissed me all over my face.

"It's ok mi corazon, Estoy aquí. I'm here you're safe" he pulled me into a tight embrace again and I still couldn't stop shaking but I hugged him as tight as possible. From the corner of my eye I saw some movement it all happened in a matter of seconds before I knew what I was doing it was all instinct to protect the one I love. I saw Luther get up from the ground and pull a gun out of his pocket. I pushed Jordan out of the way so fast that by the time he pulled the trigger the bullet pierced through me and not Jordan, Jordan acted swiftly and in a few seconds I saw a bullet fly through Luther's head.

I fell to the ground and heard Jordan scream out my name repeatedly I could see him hovering above me pleading with me to stay awake, I looked into his blue eyes and I focused on them until couldn't see them anymore, until I couldn't see anything...

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