Chapter 29

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It was hard to tell how long we've been stuck in that small room ,time seemed like a foreign concept, there was no day and night in that room it was all just darkness. Of course Karen would bring in our meals every day and Samantha used the scheduled meal plan to keep track of the days. It has nearly been five days since our kidnapping. Samantha and I tried to stay positive, we would share happy stories of our childhoods and talk about our favorite  movies and TV shows to keep ourselves entertained during the long periods of time they would lock us up alone in the dark room. However it was hard to keep our spirits high when Karen took every chance she got to threaten and insult us. It was clear that she took pleasure in our suffering, mine in particular. For some reason she specifically hated me and she never held back on sharing just how much she did.

I haven't seen Luther since that incident in the large dining room, however I was certain it wouldn't be the last time I'd see him. Samantha and I were lying on the floor one day in absolute silence when I heard something and perked up.

"Samantha" I had whispered, she perched herself on her elbows and looked at me.

"What is it?" she asked in a raspy voice, we were both slightly dehydrated from being in such a hot and humid room with a scarce food and water supply. I think they kept our meals small and low in nutrition in order to prevent us from trying to escape. They were trying to weaken us in body and spirit.

"Just listen" I told her and we both sat in silence as she strained herself to hear.

Her eyes grew wider when she identified the sound,

"The beach!" she whispered in excitement.

"Yes it means that wherever we are right now we are still on the Island" this gave me an idea.

"Samantha...if we ever get an opportunity to escape it means at least we'll know where to go. I have a plan... Callum is a lost cause but I think I can turn Gareth and convince him to help us escape" I whispered I didn't want anyone to over hear us.

"Well I've been speaking to him lately and he seems a lot friendlier than Karen and Callum...I think he's just in this for the money if I can convince him that my grandmother has loads of money I think I can get him to come over to our side."

" I don't know Aria...what if it backfires what if he tells Luther about our plans to escape and they decide to punish us...we should just wait for the authorities to find us like you said before." She whispered looking skeptical, I ran my fingers through my hair as the feeling of frustration started to rise again. I was almost certain that Jordan would have found me by now but it's been four days and each day I was growing weaker.

"I know what I said Sam...but sometimes we just need to help ourselves ...I know this is taking a big risk but our lives are at stake and I need to at least try to get us out."

Samantha nodded and looked me in the eyes, her blue eyes danced with sadness and fear, I knew she would always put on a tough front at school but now I just saw a scared girl who was broken and I knew I had to be brave ...for the both of us.

Just then the door sprung open and Karen waltzed in flanked by Callum and Gareth.

"Surprise bitches I'm back" she chirped and her obnoxious voice filled the tiny room.

Samantha and I immediately stood up moving away from Karen. She seemed to be extra irritable today and she tossed a bag at me, I caught it and held on to it tightly.

"Here's a little present for you from your future husband," she said and everyone waited for me to open it.

I flinched when I saw what is was, I pulled out a long white wedding dress and a hand written note fell out with it. I gulped before reading it,

I know they say it's bad luck to see a brides dress before the wedding but I thought, heck we were never they type to do things conventionally anyway . Can't wait to see you wearing this tomorrow princess.

I gulped, tomorrow was our only opportunity to escape I had to convince Gareth into helping us and fast or else ....

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