Chapter 26

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I was met by a cold breeze as I took my first step out of the building. I wondered aimlessly around the court yard as my feet seemed to have a mind of their own. The gravel made crunching noises under my bare feet and I could barely see where I was going as the dark blanket of night enveloped me. Somewhere in the distance I could hear the churning water of the fountain and the faint chirping of the crickets. I tried to focus on the surrounding sounds of nature. The ones I had become so familiar with over the years. I tried to calm my racing heart and push all thoughts of what had just happened out of my mind, if I didn't I knew that the tears which had began to well up in my eyes would fall freely without no end. I crossed my arms over my chest and tried to focus more on my surroundings...I waited for a few seconds before I could hear the faint splashes of the nearby beach, I could smell the ocean carried by the soft breeze and it had a calming effect on me.

I stood there for a few seconds contemplating the decisions I have made in life that have led up to this moment, the pain and regret I felt over Izzy and Randy but mostly the constant jumble of emotions I felt when I was around Jordan. I sighed deeply it was moments like these when I longed for a mother to talk to...someone who could give me advise or just hold me and love me regardless. Thinking about my mother started to make my chest feel tight, I longed for her more than anything...even if I could just hear her voice once again I'd give anything for that.

Suddenly a cool chill ran down my spine and snapped me out of my thoughts, I could feel something was off although I couldn't pinpoint it at first I soon realized that a dead silence had descended over the court yard, the crickets stopped chirping and the birds fell silent. I could feel in my gut that something was wrong and suddenly my senses kicked into high gear. Before I even knew what was happening I spun around and my hands acting as if they were on autopilot sprung out and grabbed someone into a choke hold.

A piercing scream shot out into the night and it didn't come from me ...the girl I had in a choke hold struggled to get free.

"Let go of me you bitch!" I loosened my grip I could recognize that squeaky condescending voice anywhere.

"Samantha?" I asked in disbelief while stepping away it was hard to see in this dim moonlight but I could make out her blonde hair for sure.

"What are you doing...were you following me?" She paused for a second seeming uncertain what to say, I marveled in the few seconds that she was left speechless.

"Well fuck are you going to say something or what?" She tilted from foot to foot before speaking.

"Mrs. Keller sent me here to come find're violating school rules by being out this late..."

I rubbed my eyes let out a deep breath this was just terrific, she was probably elated to see me fighting with my friends and now she's probably really just here to rub it in my face.

I opened my mouth to say something but a look of horror spread out across her face and she once again let out a piecing scream.

"Aria...behind you!" I tried to spin around as fast as I could but it was too late ...I felt a strong pair of hands grab me from behind and I felt a piece of fabric being brought to my nose the smell of chloroform was pungent and I knew I had to avoid it at all costs...I bit the hand of my attacker which made him loosen his grip for a second. I rammed my foot on to his and then shot my elbow back to get him square in the jaw. He let go of me while yelling out a stream of expletives. I knew this was my chance for escape...I started to run in the direction of Livingstone Academy my heart pounding heavily before I heard screams of help coming from the scuffle.

I turned to see two men in dark clothes attacking Samantha , they were trying to drag her away. My heart anguished for a second as I deliberated my own safety and my duty to help her. We were outnumbered and out muscled but I knew I couldn't leave her. If I did shed be gone by the time I got help so I went back for her. I tried my best to see in the dim lighting as I launched myself on top of the first attacker.

He was so large that when he straightened up I was lifted off the ground.

"Forget about the blonde...she's the one he wants!" One of the attackers yelled out and suddenly both of them began to descend upon me. From the corner of my eye I saw Samantha's body fall lifelessly to the ground...they must have drugged her I noted in a sense of panic.

I felt myself being pried of the large attacker only to be flung onto the ground...I quickly remembered one of the safe falling techniques Jordan taught me once. My landing was a soft one...I stood up only to face three largely built men staring me down.

I told myself it was now or never... I had to survive this; I had to dig deep inside of myself. The first attack came from my right; he leaped towards me trying to get hold of me I dogged him and then the second attack came as a punch that was aimed at my gut. I used his own momentum to grab his hand and twist his torso away from me before I used my elbow to jab him at the base of his spine. I knew that would stun him momentarily and I watched as he fell to the ground shaking. The third attacker managed to grab hold of my hair before I could catch my breath and he dragged me down to the grown.

"You little bitch" he murmured before punching me the face. He was straddling me at the moment and the sheer weight of him on top of me was suffocating. I tried to get loose but the rest of them were surrounding me now and I knew I was out of options.

I resorted to the last option I had ... I started to scream out for help as loud as possible he slapped me and I tasted my own blood. I didn't stop screaming though until he placed the cloth with chloroform over my nose and I began to suffocate...I held my breath at first but then he punched me in the gut and I was forced to breathe in the toxin. My eyes were filled with tears as my consciousness began to fade away...because I knew whatever happened after this moment my life would certainly never be the same. 

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